Airlie beach is very nice! the sun is always shining and its very chill!! BUT, ive been looking for work aboard a sailing/scuba boat, and nothing has come up. so im goin to go into a job centre or summin and look for jobs, maybe in cairns or on a cattle farm inland or summin like that im not sure yet. im still ok wit goin home early but i jus dnt wanna be bored outta my mind at home and regret the decision. i was even thinking about what books to buy for the flight lol! well ive got a few more days here, the night life is good and during the day swimming is amazing and gettin a tan isn't hard. well as much of a tan as I can get lol! Money is running really low so need work quick! i dnt wanna be here for too long becasue its full of holiday makers that are doin cool s*** every day and you cnt realy socialize wit them apart from at the bar but then there gettin hammered and i cnt realy do that at the moment lol! its hard watchign the 'oz experiecne' bus come and every1 go off and so there whitsundays sailing trips and stuff. so i wnt be spending to much time here i dnt think, but its all depends on job ops!
peace x
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