Hi All!! thought i would give this Blog thing ago.
I have been in thailand for 6days now and we've done so much its hard to remember everything already!!
I flew into Bangkok, after much worry and panick after being put on standby for my flight at Heathrow. And of course the airline didnt have my bags at the other end, typical! But I got to my hotel, which is just off the Khoa San Road (the main backpacker area) So I went for a wander, had some lovely Phai Tai (Noodles) from a street vendor and did some bargaining to get some clothes to see me through. luckily my luggage arrived the next day.
So then the Tour started. We all met up and started by exploring abit of Bangkok, we went to see a Temple with a huge statue of a reclining bhudda and went of a longboat cruise down the river, saw lots of different neighbourhoods, houses and temples of the riverside.
Then it was time to leave Bangkok and head North East to Kanchurburi Where we went to the River kwae, did some canoeing, went to the WWII Museum and saw the infamous bridge (at sunset, was beautiful, will post pics soon!!)
While still in the area we went to a national park where we swam in some amazing waterfalls and watched the little monkeys steall peoples lunches, was hilarious. Bit annoying cos we have to swim with a T-shirt and Shorts on because of the local culture, but at least i'm not getting burnt!! hehe.
So after a couple of days here we spent the night on a Boat/Rafthouse. It was very cool, like our own little hotel, with staff to make up our beds and cook for us. The rafthouse took us down the river to a local festival which had boat races along the river, lots of market stalls selling all sorts including the stereotypical fried bugs. I even tried a fried maggot thing!!! (wasnt horrible but i probably wont try it again, give me crisps anyday, haha) The festival was set around the most beautiful temple, up on the cliff face and set into caves. The stairway up was made to look like a dragon, very beautiful. However the Hot midday thai Sun was not good on the 306step journey up there! On the way up I got stopped by a Thai couple who wanted a picture with me!! They didnt say why but I'm gonna say that it's because I am so pale, and light skin is a sign of wealth and higher class here (like the Caste system in India) Its so funny because all the moisturiser products with 'hint of sun'/self tan we have are the opposite here, they have ones that promise to lighten your skin colour!
Anyway, we spent that night on the raft and had abit of a party. The next morning we headed to Ayutthaya (East) and spent our time there looking round some temples and ruins. At Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon I got a Bad fortune :( So I bought a braclet made by the monks which is supposed to give me good luck nd protection, so lets hope it works! We saw the Bhudda in the Tree roots and all the thai and cambodian ruins at Wat Phra Mahathat.
From there we took an over night train to Chiang Mai (where I am now) and spent yesterday morning doing an Elephant Trek up in the Hills. I loved it. The Elephants area ll retired from the Loggng industry, which is in massive decline now, so the tourism is a replacement income for their owners. Our Elephant was called Kujo, He was Massive, biggest of the lot and very greedy, kept on asking us for food. At one point he spotted some bamboo off the trail and decided to get it. the slope was at a 45degree angle maybe. We thought we were going to fall off!!
We spent last night wandering around the night market and today we had a Thai cookery lesson (The teacher was actually a Ladyboy!! She was very pretty) So hopefully now I can cook abit og Thai Food!
So thats it for now!!! Later on we are going to see temple and then getting ready for our homestays and trekking, which is pretty much the next 4days. Needless to say, so far its been amazing, the People in my group, and the Thai people are lovely!! Not tanning yet at all, suprise, suprise. Right I'm now off the try and buy some antibiotics because i feel a sore throat coming on and i really cant be ill for the trek! so fingerscrossed i'll be able to get something.
Miss you all.
Sam Xx
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