So next it was Peru!! One the countries that I was the most excited to see! The first stop across the boarder was Puno. I actually didn`t stay the night here. It was literally a flying visit between buses. But I managed to fit in an afternoon trip to see it famous floating islands on Lake Titicaca. The was abit, well, boring to be honest. How the islands float is pretty cool (on reed roots) but after they explained that it was pretty obvious that all they wanted to do was sell you stuff!
It must be hard living there though because they have no electricity, no fresh/running water. they dont even have a toilet. I don`t think that would be my home of choice...
After my little tour i hoped straight on a bus to Arequipa, and I`m glad I did, it is a beautiful city. Although I stayed at a very strange hostel. I think it must be the low season, because it looked like it was busy once but there were about 4customers and 15members of staff! A very odd ratio. But it did mean that I could hog the internet, hammocks and tv whenever I wanted, so I didnt mind too much.
Myself and a girl at the hostel (pretty much the only other guest there..) went to the big monastary, Santa Catalina.It was a beautiful place, a town within a town and a complete maze! It looked so spanish, i got abit camera snappy.
I also found Matt, Tom, Sid and Chris (or rather, they found me) from my hostel in La Paz when i was fending off a peruvian guy in the plaza. So after my 2day Colca Canyon tour i travelled with them up to Cusco.
The Colca Canyon tour was pretty good, again, if not alittle dull at times. But we went to some hotsprings, saw some beautiful landscapes, Llamas, some other random creatures that looked abit like a llama but wasnt.. and of course the famous Condors flying silently over the canyon.
Once I returned from my tour, it was straight off to Cusco with my new travel buddys, lol. Cusco is a great city. Beautiful, lots to do, nice people trying to sell you massages all the time... We stayed in a party hostel called Loki, where a friend of mine i met at the salt flats works, George. So it was great to see her and catch up again. We only stayed the one night before heading off on our machu Picchu adventure. We did the Inka Jungle trek (not the actual inka trek) The first was very easy and fun, We started off by mountian biking down hill, on a tarmaced road. Although alittle bit was gravel at the end. Unfortunately for Matt and Tom, they were too speedy and missed the stop for lunch and the stop to get back on the bus, so they ended up cycling an extra 2hours or so, up hill with no food, water, money or sunscreen. The poor things were knackered, and rightly so! The next tow days of our trek were literally trekking, up hill. which involved walking up alot of things that the guide called `steps`i`m not so sure they were, more like strategically place rocks.. I found the trekking very hard, especially in the boiling heat, I even had an asthma attack on the 3rd day which wasnt great! lol After two hard days trekking and seeing some beautiful scenery, spending about 3hours in the hotsprings and then finally getting up at 4am we finally made it to Machu Picchu!! The Boys got up even earlier so they could walk up, but i was feeling lazy and little shaken after my asthma episode so i got the bus! I still made it up in time to get one of the 400tickets to Wyna Picchu! The 3days of trekking was totally worth the effort, Machu Picchu was amazing! Absolutley breath taking. After our guided tour of the lost city, and after the boys had a little nap, we headed over to the entrance of Wyna Picchu. This was another task that had to be confronted as it was another set of steps! It took us (well me, the boys got there way before) about an hour to get up there, and once again, the steps werent really steps! I dont think the inca´s were particularly great at making steps really. But the views from the top were amazing, we could see the whole of Machu Picchi and the surrounding mountians. It made you appriciate just how high up the ´lost city´really is. Once we got back to Cusco, after some rather dubious hotsprings that smelt of chicken soup, a train and a bus ride we were finally back in Cusco and it was time to celebrate my Birthday! The big 2-4!! lol. Luckily Cusco is pretty much a 24hour party place! So even though my birthday was on sunday we still found plenty of places to keep us up and dancing until the early hours. I spent the next week in Cusco, doing, well... not alot really. We partied alittle, related, slept, ate, shopped and watched movies! After a week, and a few people leaving I decided that it was time for me to leave too. So I Packed my bags and headed back to Bolivia to go to the jungle!!!!- comments