Today I was catching my bus south to tour the north island. It rocked up a bit late which set me in a panic thinking I'd missed it but all was fine and the driver was the same woman I had up to Pahia - Miss P.
Once we'd picked everyone up we started off towards Raglan, New Zealand's main surf town. On the bus we had Johannas and Antonia (17 year old couple from Germany), Marius, Jan (both German and Jan was on my bus yesterday from Pahia), Matt (NY), two friends Jimmy and Buddy (UK) and Sophie from Holland. It seemed like a pretty cool group, and everyone was chatting away for most of the journey. In Raglan we dropped off Antonia who had paid for a surf lesson and the rest of us headed to the hostel.
The main activity in Raglan was of course surfing, but seeing as the rest of us gave it a miss we headed down to the rocky beach for a couple of hours. It was pretty funny trying to walk down cos of the mud and so we all pretty much slid our way there. Jimmy was in flipflops and gave up dodging the mud so ended up giving half of us piggybacks. The 'beach' was just lots of big rocks pretty much but was cool all the same and we were all chatting and got to know each other. Turns out Jimmy, Buddy and I are on the EXACT same flight to Fiji on the 23rd ha. They are staying at the airport the night before so I'm tempted to do the same as I'm running super low on funds!
For sunset we headed to 'inspiration point' which is a viewing platform overlooking the bay and was beautiful with the sunset. Apparently if you have questions in life and you put them to the sunset at inspiration point then the answers will come to you.... hm.
That night we all had a drink and Miss P (aka miss perfect or whatever you want the p to stand for...) decided we all needed new nicknames for each other. Antonia = Ants, Johannas = coffee (because he'd been ill all day apparently from drinking instant coffee that morning haha), Jan = Max Power (no idea why), Marius = Luigi (aka super mario and luigi), Buddy = Buddy (already his nickname cos his surname's Bud), Jimmy = Spider (again no idea), Sophie = Shlompy (because she was so slow at everything) and I became mini...I think because Miss P said I reminded her of Mini Mouse for some reason or maybe just because I was the shortest.
At midnight we headed out in the pitch black and all wrapped up to go find glow worms. We bumped/stumbled our way down the path ducking under trees until we saw the tiniest dots... gloworms!! Apparently it not the actual worm that glows but it's poo! Nice. After about half an hour of relentless trying and failing to capture the worms on camera (the best I did was a photograph with an entire black screen and one small green dot in the middle) we called it a night and headed back inside.
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