The last day in Auckland was spent with me frantically trying to book some sort of package for Fiji as i'd read a fair about and decided this would be the easiest and less stressful method of travelling around the Yasawa Islands in Fiji. To be honest I had completely ran out of money by this point and would have probably lasted around 5 days before having to rough it and kip on beaches/streets. I had tried a couple weeks earlier to move my flights back by a week or so (making 2 weeks in Fiji into 1) in order to conserve money and make it home alive, but due to it now being peak season this was impossible to do as all flights had 100% bums on seats (unless I wanted to upgrade to business class). Did they not hear that I was POOR?! So i'd ended up having to bite the bullet and make the dreaded call home... "muuuum....." Luckily mum understood the situation and that I wouldn't be asking for money unless I reeeally needed it and promised to pay it all back! So 2 weeks in Fiji it is YAYY!
As i've already mentioned, I had the exact same flight as Buddy and Jimmy to Fiji so we all agreed to spend the night at the airport even though the flight was at 1pm the next day (desperate times folks!). So yeah, we'd spent the last day in Aukland trying to book some sort of travel deal for me, however my bank had decided to mess around and have a weekend in England which meant that mums money hadn't transferred... I spent about an hour in a full bllown panic and if they guys weren't there I'm pretty sure i'd have shed a tear from the stress of it all, but luckily they helped me see the funny side of it all and reassured me it would all work out... I believed them SLIGHTLY. I suppose it was kind of funny becuase i'd been laughing at the boys that very morning saying I had SO much money now (thanks mum) so I was only sleeping at the airport to keep them company when in reality I could sleep in a hotel if I wanted... WRONG. I couldn't even withdraw a tenner! So tables had turned and once i'd calmed down we went back and spent our entire day playing cards inside the hostel as it was raining - we lasted til around 10pm when we decided we were ridiculously bored and should probs head to the airport. Once there we set up 'bed' at the airport lookout point which at the time was a great idea becuase it was the only empty room = good sleep? NO. We failed to realise it was 11pm when we thought that and so of course it's going to be quiet... you can't see any planes in the dark. However come 5am when people have early flights and nothing to do but wait around, the only place of interest actually open to them at this time is the AIRPORT LOOKOUT POINT arghhh. Cue stomping and talking and husshhing from 5am onwards. Never mind. We begrudgingly got up and got as ready as best I could in the toilets before faffing the morning away in the departure lounge. The sleep deprivation and boredom led at one point to Jimmy putting black MAC foundation on his feet to look like a
We'd asked at check-in for 3 adjacent seats and the best they could do were the emergency exit seats - so much legroom! I think Jim and I got overly excited about this, cue picture taking.. which Buddy got a bit pissed off at but we soon all shut up and fell asleep.
There was a sliiiight palava at Nadi Airport once we'd landed over me trying to book my Fiji stuff. The boys had pre-booked with 'Awesome Adverntures' - the main Yasawa Islands tour package company and seeing as they were going to the same places I wanted to go to I tried to book the same deal they had. I had an extra week as the guys were only there for 10 days so decided to book the first 3 islands the same as theirs and then planned to wing the last 6 or so days on my own. There was an Awesome Adventures shop/booth/room at the airport so headed towards there until I was blocked my some random woman. In a big blurr/whirlwind in which I have NO idea what happened, i'd somehow been convinced by this lady to book the tour through her.. basically she was like a middleman who got a percentage of the money i'd pay to AA rather than them get the whole figure. I was SO confused at this point but after lots of talking and trying to escape the woman I decided that it would work out the same price no matter who I booked it through and so decided to help her out and just book through her (to be hoenst I just wanted to get out of there by this point so had given up caring). Part of the deal was also that i'd get the first and last nights accomodation for free on Nadi before heading to/returning from the Yasawa islands. We finally realised we were booking some mad dodgy hostel becuase whenever we asked someone what the hostel was like they would reply with identical answers of "it's's next door to Smugglers Resort". Which in other words translates to yeah it's ok because it has a great view of a lovely hotel next door...brilliant. So after endlessly going backwards and forwards between the two rooms signing papers and then finally going to pay at the AA office, I just prayed and prayed that my card would finally work. I'd felt constantly sick since i'd tried to pay the previous day in NZ for my Fiji trip becuase I was so worried I wouldn't be able to afford anything and have nowhere to sleep if the money hadn't finally transferred. So I typed my PIN into the cardmachine, held my breath, closed my eyes..... took a peek..... "ERROR" and then apparently my face went white! Actually thought I was gonna puke! Long story short I just about managed to pay for my trip using two separate cards and random bits of cash. I finally walked away with a massive sigh of relief, 5 separate receipts and clutching my tickets with a death-like vice grip.
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