Ryan and Hannah's Adventures
We arrived finally at the hostel after 24hours travelling, the most enjoyable parts being queuing at American customs and then queuing even longer at Ecuadorian customs!
We got to bed at half 12 local time, and were given a very nice private room, only to find out this morning they'd only put us there as we'd arrived late, so we are now in a cave lol.
We explored Quito today, so many amazing buildings, with lots of little streets, and tiny shops in every available space! I think I've broken my previous record for the most churches visited in a day, it's now 4!
The altitude hasn't affected us too much, but you soon become out of breath walking up hill! X
- comments
Glynny Glad to hear you got there ok, and glad your having a gret time already. Im expecting photos to start appearing soon please :) love you both xxxxx
mrs c wotcha peaky- glad youve arrived, have you bought any embroidery yet? need some pics so i can see where you and ryan are dealing spuds. gcse work came in today, looks good - no surprises, tommy and ruth both amazing. miss stokes is going to teach us how to do pencil drawings on the lightbox to achieve that professional effect but dont let me bore you both with dreary work news!!! ps your spelling has improved unlike my typing xxxxxx
Dad! Hi both, glad all's going well, shame about the cave tho. Visiting churches as well eh, at least they're free i suppose. Nat West automated card fraud contacted home, but when i spoke to them they said that if you're having problems with it to call their international helpline who'll sort it cos they couldn't let me do it for you. Speak soon, have fun, lots of love from us all @ 44 xxx
Ian Glad to hear you're both ok, missing you already from everybody at Gypsum.