We braved the nights in our campervan, rocking and rolling to the rain, wind, thunder and lightning outside! - hmm, very interesting use of words guys?
Hello you two,
Hope your OK? Sounds great and photos are fab.
Dave & Annie
Hi Guys, the photo's look great. Have a great time.
Dances With Wolves
im having a poker night at mine on friday. do you fancy joing us roy?
so ok I'm even blonder than Charlotte but, to be fair, your Mum only just told me about it. Fantastic pictures, glad you're having a good time, xx
so ok I'm even blonder than Charlotte but, to be fair, your Mum only just told me about it. Fantastic pictures, glad you're having a good time, xx
Dave & Annie
Awesome pics guys
Your camper van looks SWEET. I'm highly, highly jealous. It's like it's on fire! (I'm sure you've made a Joey remark or two about it) Photo's making me even more jealous, Australia looks awesome. Take care! x
The Van's
Hi guys, so good to see your new pics, and how lovely to see Mom, Angela and Aaron - you all look fantastic!! Ang your house is beautiful, are you on email?
Thank you so much for your phone message on my birthday - it really mean't alot to me!!! I was sorry I missed talking to you but the girls really enjoyed listening to your message (I saved it for them), wish I had taken a photo of their little faces when they heard your voice!
Everyone came round last weekend for Halloween, all the littlies went trick and treating, Sarah thought it was fab running to houses asking for sweets! Mom took some photos so will email them to you.
Well can't believe Sarah is in her second term at school, she is learning to read, so we are all brushing up on our phonics and soon won't be able to spell out things we don't want her to hear! She has her dancing exam in two weeks, slow waltz, quick waltz and samba - watch out strictly come dancing!!
Time for bed, its been another crazy weekend!
Take good care of eachother.
Love the vansxxx
Roy you missed out on rugby at the pub on Sat - I'm sure you were missed by the lads!
Dave & Annie
Glad to see you having such a good time in Oz. Uluru looks amazing!
You've going to have everyone talking saying Australia suits u Jo!!
All good here. The kids are keeping us on our toes.
Libby has gone to a party tonight looking too lovely for comfort.She was in Paris with school over half term and had a great time...so good she never phoned home once!!
Tom busy painting his room (red!) and has sat his English GCSE this week. We're busy going around all the College open evenings.
Emi is full of mischief as you might expect. She has started nursery school and loves it. Had to hand her application for Primary School in on Friday. She's also started swimming lessons where Dave has to go in the pool with her. She's doing great but Dave gets told off quite a bit. "Can Emily's dad please stop bouncing", etc .
Uni going well for me and Dave into BBall season. Could just do to have few more hours in a day!
Look forward to next update. Let us know when u know where u might be for Christmas.
Take Care and keep having fun!! xx
The lads are off to see the new Bond movie tomorrow.
June And Harry
hello jo and roy thanks for all aussie photos,you all look well,reminded us of sa especially angelas house,thought of you both at the fire-work display,mark walsh set it to james bond themes,very good,weather is mild,look forward to the next up-date,take care from us.
Aimee & Kev
Roy, you're a weirdo, Bangkok is awsome and we have just got our tickets to go back there in June!!
Aimee says that Roy needs to save some rations for Jo, she looks like she's wasting away! Your photos from Krabi look amazing btw.
Cant wait to hear about your adventures in OZ.
Update from us, Toby and Ted left a couple of good friends each at the vets this week, hopefully it will stop all the fighting though!
Other than that not much has happened, going to have a Vodka Martini and watch Bond on Friday!