Talen sound advice and one that is igrnoed by plenty. My insurance is covered by my bank and is a great ease of mind to me but so many choose to ignore the simple fundamentals of a planned holiday. In the UK you can get ample year round insurance for about 50 dollars but the like of the Pattaya goers look on that as one good time with a lady or two rather than peace of mind about security thousands of miles from home. You can never teach the young or frugal, they know it all..-= martynb4s last blog .. =-.
Arshi Talen sound advice and one that is igrnoed by plenty. My insurance is covered by my bank and is a great ease of mind to me but so many choose to ignore the simple fundamentals of a planned holiday. In the UK you can get ample year round insurance for about 50 dollars but the like of the Pattaya goers look on that as one good time with a lady or two rather than peace of mind about security thousands of miles from home. You can never teach the young or frugal, they know it all..-= martynb4s last blog .. =-.