G'day, How ya goin?
So we've started on our road trip!
Before we left Syndey, we spent the last weekend with the friends we had made in Syndey and went to Coogee beach, it was only traditional to spend the day having a barbie at the beach. Me and Jay went for a swim and both got dumped quite a few times, Jay lost his sunnies and then some how recovered them from the bottom of the sea but soon as he did, another wave dumped him again and when he came up, he only had one of the arms left! Very funny for me to watch! After the beach we went back to Will's and finished the night of with Mojito's. A great day/night to spend in Syndey.
The plan was to leave Syndey the following weekend but that week, Jay didnt have any work so we decied to set off early. We both woke up with sore heads as we decided to have another round of "good bye" drinks with everyone. We set off at 11am and had 450km to drive to South West Rocks. When we arrived, we saw our first wild Roo's which was very cool. The weather wasnt on our side, there was a thunderstorm in the distance but Jay insited on having a walk along the beach and touching the water! As we reached the beach, the heavens opened and we both soon looked like drowned rats walking along the beach. We spent the night there and in the morning we headed for Minnie Waters.
We arrived at Minnie waters a few hours later, we had a little mooch around the rock pools and the deserted beach which was about 5kms long and decided to get back in the van and continue to Byron Bay. Weather was still pants! We had a walk along the beach followed by a swift beverage in the pub. We spent the night there and once again, in the morning, we were on the move again.
We arrived at Nimbin and i thought we had gone back in time to the 60's. Everyone was all peace and love man! Jay loved not so much. As we were away from the city lights, it was our first time we saw the sky full of stars. It was pretty cool and we ended up having neck aches.
We then headed to Brisbane and stayed we Sid & April. The weather picked up abit so we got to go down the pool. We also had a nosey around Brisbane city and also went to Australia Zoo. At Australia Zoo we got to feed the Roo's and stroke them & also got to watch the famous croc show. I got to hold a Koala and it even gave me a little gift...poop stain on my white top. Just for everyone's info, they are cute but they smell!! The Zoo was a great day out, last night we went to Kangaroo point over looking the city and had fajitas cooked by Sid on the barbie.
It's now time to hit the road again, our first stop is Noosa. Today we booked a Landrover Discovery for 4 days on Fraser Island. We pick it up on Monday and we're both looking forward to that very much. As you might have noticed, we're getting up the coast fairly quickly, this is because we have decided to spend more time at the places on our way back down to Syndey and its also good to check out the places and work out where its worth stopping.
We've now been gone 6 months and it has flown by for us, we're just sad that we are half way through and we're hoping the second half goes ALOT slower.
Missing everyone from home, love you all
Rox & Jay
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