Locked and Loaded!!
I know I am still in London, so this entry is a little premature.. But considering that all my worldly possessions were whisked away for safe keeping this morning, I am officially now backpacking!! The novelty of living out of a backpack will wear off before I even leave this strange little island, but Im sure there will be plenty to distract me in the coming months.
The last few weeks have been hectic. Trying to somehow pack your entire life and put it in storage is daunting, crazy, silly, exciting all at the same time... It has been great seeing all my friends too, making sure we take one last chance to share a beer before I go. Perhaps one too many beers last night, but this really is the last work hangover I will have in a very very long time!! Good riddance.
Hopefully I will get the chance to update this page relatively often. Will just need to find time between lounging aournd on beaches, strolling through ancient cities, eating steak and drinking beer, but Im sure I will manage .
Next stop: Argentina!!!
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