Round the World 2006 - Keepin' the Scene Alive
Hello! Well well, what a few days. On Thursday we chartered a speed boat for the day to the Islands surrounding Koh Samet. Took Snorkling gear with us, first drop off was an uninhabited Island, called Ko Thali, there were some nice coral reefs to snorkle over. Had about an hour there, then we had lunch. Sped off to the next Island where we pulled up offshore and dove into the water, after about 20 seconds i showed off and dived down, when i kicked out i stepped on a long spind sea urchin!! They are surrounded by spikes upto 18 inches long, 15 went into my foot, I swam back to the boat, and the guy on the boat held my foot while he whacked it with a snorkling for about 10 mins, this breaks up the spikes under your skin, and as they are made of calcium your body eventually breaks them down. But they are tipped with venom so the pain was immense. but im alive and limping still! They Friday we took a boat from the island to Ban Phe and then a mini bus to Bangkok, we then took a tuk tuk after gettingthe price down from 300 to 1500 bht to Siam Sq. We are staying in a really nice place called wendy house,its expensive but only for 3 nights. As soon as we checked in we literally ran to mcDonalds and I had 2 large big mac meals, after sleeping in a huy for over a month we thought we deserved it. After the fast food, we got tickets, VIP tickets! to the cinema, they had free drinks and you have a blankett! :-) Only cost about 3quid each for the posh seats! The one cinema has sofas and you get a head massage before you go in. Today we went to the Siam sea world and spent some money buying cheap t-shirts and shorts ready for oz. Hannah went mad and had her hair cut in toni and guy! But it only cost 500 bht which is around 7 pound. Good times. We have one more day here, going to the Grand Palace tomorrow then off to Oz. Take care of your selves and chekc out our new pics, we are putting more on tomorrow.
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