YAY...you're alive! We were starting to wonder Good luck for thurs...everything crossed. Snot-goblins send loads of love and kisses xxxxxxxx
Ma & Pa
HI you two. great to receive the latest blog. Super pics and storyline, could be made into a book. Keeping fingers, legs, toes etc crossed for a nice summer day for Thursday. Apparently there is something on that day????
Will contact again in a couple of days. LUV'N'Stuff Mar & par XXXXXX
Ma And Pa
Hi you two
Haven't heard from you in a while, what you doin' what you seein'. Is the weather any better in the North Island, are you getting a tan ready for the big day only 5 days away, oh blimey,
loads of love xxxx
I can't believe that your wedding is now less that a week away!
We're all missing you here in the office, certain people are getting very jealous of all the BBQ references...
Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures
Alex x
Uncle Bri
Glad to see you like the water, and when you return I will book you in for a scuba lesson, then you will see much more next time you go on holiday. Congratulations to you both and hope you have a wonderful life together. Unc & Andi x
Ma And Pa
Hi both,
WOW to swim with dolphins what an experience, and no, I'm not pea green with envy, I will just hate you for the rest of my life, you jammy little b***** you. It must have been sensational, Mind you that photo says it all I have never seen such a big or more radiant smile.
We hope that you have got your car problems sorted out, can you not ask for a replacement car, as this one isn't fit for purpose?
Keep those blogs coming they are worth waiting for.
Loads a love
Ma and Pa xxxx
Lisa P
Hi both,
Just to let you know I'm keeping up with your blogs. Have solved the wedding present buying crisis; and I thought scuba gear was ony on the list 'cos you're kinky...
Big Chief Maori, Nz Tourist Board
Official Complaint - from NZ Tourist Board (NZ - Newlyweds Zone)Dear Ess-Jay and Cleef,
Our apologies for the delay in responding to your messages from Kayak Beach. We are delighted that you are enjoying the bounties of sub-continental delight, although are slightly disappointed that Mr Cleef has taken off the hula-hula skirt and necklace of Willa-Wonga flowers he was given on arrival.
However, on closer inspection of your bog, it would appear that you are using up far more of the Annual Scenery Photography allowance than is permitted, for travellers at this time of year. Please:
Refrain from including more than 72% of background hills, sloping terrain or mountains in shots that contain 28% sky.
When viewing wide, panoramic areas with your camera-devices, please make sure that at least 3 Kiwis (with wings, not green skins), and 4 examples of the Lesser-Spotted-Maori-Flowers (fuchsia, with a hint of pink), are included in the foreground - this is of vital importance for the success of our dwindling tourist economy!
Stop wearing the green hat.
Mr Cleef - please do not be alarmed by our inclusion of sliced celery on our food. It is a vegetable. You will like it. Miss Ess-Jay - the purchase of an All Blacks umbrella was an optimum choice: it goes up, it rarely goes under, unlike your English rugby team. We are pleased that our plentiful precipitation has complemented this choice, and are ecstatic that our provision of (handsome, tall, prompt), AA-men meets with your approval.
We look forward to monitoring the next installment of your journey with interest,Kind regardsBig Chief Maori, NZ Tourist Board (NZ Division)
Glad see those childhood canal boat holdiays have prepared you for a nightmare on the sea, who would have thought it a?! Put that and having watched the last episode of six feet under I would have panicked!! Happy New Year 'newlewed to be' travellers.
Mick & Chris
Kayaking?! ....... otherwise it sounds like you're having a great time, keep it up! Love, M&C
p.s. belated "Happy New Year!"
Ma And Pa
Thanks again for the photos looks great, meant to give your blog a 5, a little bit of finger problems, ho hum, love you. xx
Robin Leach
Happy New Year ! I've been enjoying watching your progress . . . looks wonderful, you both seem to be having a ball