Hi again, hope day 1 has been OK and you have managed to get some money and find your bearings.
As you can expect...no changes here, although the weather is cheering up a bit!
Sold the ferret for £200!!!
Love Mum
oh my god i cant actually belive it that its here!!! beth i remember 59 days ago when i was e-mailin u at work sayin 'only 59 days to go' !!! well its 8.30pm so ur probs up high in the sky on route, fillin ur boots with the free booze!! im gonna miss u so much, who am i gonna e-mail all day!! my mum never replys!!! speak soon - peace out x x x x
Debbie Stock
Have a brilliant trip - looking forward to seeing your progress Love Debs xxxx
Lesley (Mum)
Hi to you both, I am still 'gaga' that the day has come....and you have actually set off!!!
I would tell you to keep a diary Beth, as I did for CISV...LOL but I think between the blog and Grandma...we have it covered!
Just make sure you enjoy and make a mental note of every thing that happens; all the good...the funny, and the bad or frustrating bits (but there won't be many of those) but they do all count. Look after each other. See you at some point, probably on Skype. Love to you both