Rosie takes over the world!! (solo styly)
aaarhghhhhh im pretty miffed off right now cause i just wrote a really big section and then deleted it, right ok, now that thats out of my system lets think of all the stuff i wrote in it!! ok koh pagnan (lots of spellings) was really good, warm sea (?!?!?) im normally a pool baby but it was so good jsut being able to run in the sea baywatch style and not have to inch urself in! went snorkelling, that was so cool, never seen such like underwater life before...there with my mask...had a bit of a panic cause i thought ide swam away from the group, but everyone was jsut underwater so i couldnt see them (durr!!). bit depressed cause we werent staying in the backpackler hot spot (haad rin) where we went for a day trip and it was banging. and also cause bumped into the toher group and let myself think of what it would be like if i was travelling with stef(cause shes in the other group) and then i was like, oh im a bit lonely, and that felling hasnt stopped yet, its annoying me, i dont wanna be lonely, i wanna appreciate all these amazing sights instead, need to get over it. like i said, i need some hard work to make me not miss being in england!! then ill realise that having nothing to do is acutally really good!! yeh so met up with the other group, it was so fun when stef arrived, we had a good ngiht chillin with both our groups, i was pretty drunk ( i mean very) but i tihnk most people were...ahha me and sian were remembering the ngiht on the ferry to mainland the next day and it was a right laugh. yeh stefs group is pretty cool, theys eem quite integrated and i like the way theres a good mix between guys and girls and the guys seem like a laugh, will woulda liked it :( oh went elephant trekking, only for half an hour but that was enough!! it was good fun, thoguht i was gonna fall off at one point though. i was scared cause i had in my mind that somone was killed in india by one once ona tour..dangerous big b*****s. i fell in love with a monkey at the elephant place though, he was so cute on his little stand peeling and eating bananas!! he didnt like me that much though!
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