Hope you still enjoyed New Year with the not so great weather. wish you couldve been there last year when i was coz it was absolutely boiling! totally the opposite to what its like here rite now! its snow land everywhere. luke is goin mad playin in it. its well deep, like Narnia. As if you're back in 2 months time, that'll go stupidly quick so make the most of it. looks like you've done loads anyway. kinda jealous that i didnt do as much as you have but i was browner so hey ho.
Speak soon xxxxxx
Hi both, you are looking really bronzed and healthy. Australia looks like a great place to be sounds as if yr having fun. We have a new addititon to the family, her name is gizi,the cat she's 2 yrs old and really cute and spoilt already. Take care both we all miss you lots of hugs and kisses xxxxx
Dad Mam
hello andrew caz enjoyed photos from oz the firework display looked good on the telly iexpect it was awesome being there to see it close as you were looking forward to next blog and photos take care both all our love xxxxxxxxxxx
Babcia And Dziadzio
Hi Karolcia and Andrew
Happy New Year to you both - may the rest of your travels pass without a hitch. I've sent you an email (with the right address this time I hope) about your visit to Malaysia - check and let me know pls.
Chris Marie And Kids
Happy New Year both x x x x
Mum And Dad
happy new year to you both. have a great time in sydney and hope the weather holds up for you. you've only a couple of months left now so enjoy everything.
lots of love and lots of kisses to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chris Marie And Kids
Hi both wishing you both a merry christmas,its midnight here so you two are probably opening your pressies.Hope you got what you asked for,apparently the Austrailian santa only leaves Fosters and Wididgy grubs.Enjoy your bbq on the beach, and be glad your not going to see billo take centre stage.Lots of love x x x x x x
hi both, just a little note to wish you both a merry christmas and a happy new year. We will be looking out for you on gmtv christmas morning hope to catch a glimpse of you both. Just all settling down now a quiet night in the warm and watching scrooge to get the kids all settled and ready for santa. A nice long week off work now bliss, loves you both xxxx
Hello to both of you. just finished work for a 4 day break and getting ready for christmas eve at babcia's. happy christmas to you both hope you have an amazing time in sydney. lots and lots of snow still on the ground. enjoy your christmas in the snow.
lots of love and kisses to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Babcia & Dziadzio
Hello you happy travellers - we were decorating our Christmas tree yesterday so your cousins decided to add their very clever comments - I should have stood behind them to see what they were writing - nothing of substance!!!! I am really enjoying reading your blog - dziadzio seen a lot of your photos - very informative and interesting - the photos of course. We'll be having 26 for Christmas Eve - Teresa and Ciocia Jasminka are bringing their beaus but we shall still miss you.Enjoy yourselves while you can and have a lovely Christmas on Bondi Beach. Love & hugs.
well i said we might have a white xmas the whole country airports roads and other networks are in total choas due to that beautiful stuff we all love falling last night and more to come that is so typical of our weather . hope you are both still having the best time and your ok i miss you both loads i hope your xmas will be extra special because you are together . keep safe merry xmas both love mam xxxxxxxxx
hello to you both happy to read your blog and see photos from fiji i bet that cyclone wasnt much fun never mind you both got through it ok enjoy your stay in oz look out for you xmas morning on bondi beach xxxx