Today is Sunday 5 Feb 2006
Well , as they all say, all good things have to come to an end and one comes back to reality. For us that day is today, the day when we say a very sad farewell to the island state of Tasmania, its lovely hospitable people, its forever changing scenery , and our lovely hosts at every place we stayed while here. Last night we splurged with dinner out to sort of celebrate our past 14 days of good time, I suppose a way to say thank you.
Having already packed we didnt have to be in a panic this morning, so we had a lovely leisurely breakfast at Rannoch House then paid our compliments to the hosts,paid the account and drove out and down to the pier ready to wait for the loading onto the Spirit of Tasmania for the overnight back to Sydney and home. All going well and smooth sailing ahead we should be back in Sydney early tomorrow morning.
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