Your journals seem to keep the 'Good old English weather' at bay, yep its rain rain rain here-pants!
Rich Toone got married the other week in sunny Scarborough, he's just back from the honey moon in Mauritious-very nice.
Hope to be catching up with you for a Guiness this year???
Keep safe, all the best,
Brian and Lucy x
Just catching up on your journals - great stuff! We are all cool. The weather is rubbish though.... doesn't feel like the middle of summer. So looking forward to going to Malta for a couple of weeks of sunshine.
We must talk soon. Missing you lots --- Mum told me about you jumping out of the plane - brilliant!! I'm very proud of you - don't know if I could of done that!
Continue having lots and lots of fun. I love you so much . Michelle xxxx
P.S Kids say hi - they have both just had lovely school reports (So make sure you save them £1 !!!!) Take Care xxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Robbie.
I've just read your email ... and it bought a tear to my eye. Yes alot slimmer but still 'emotional' as ever!! Sorry not been on line --- yes I am very busy these days..... keep fit, college, work etc ... but I do think about you every day and miss you tons. I'll check if your on line at night -- mornings not as good! Frank and Lynne get married on Saturday... so another weekend of partying!! So glad you are having the time of your life!! I'll speak to you very soon and catch up!! Loads to tell you - loving life too honey !!
Love you loads and take care xxx
Hugs and kisses from Millie and Joe xxx BYE
Hiya Robbie.
Thank you for the birthday card it was a nice surprise... but where's the cash!!?? HA HA. I'm so glad you're having a great time and it would be nice to chat soon. Love you loads missing you too!
Take care Chel xxxxx
Paul + Alex
Everything seams to be going well at your end, photos are excellent and the updates are always interesting, Alex managed to read one the other day before me! Keep up the good work, making our days at work a little more what can I say ..... bareable. Enjoy
Hi Bob. Photo's are awesome mate. I have just started Kayaking in Notts (Well its more of a soft top barge for obvious reasons). Scenery not as good as you are viewing. Take care mate.
Side Show
so you meet with the local wild life then, was it a bear or a lion, or a big nasty rabbit, I hear huffalumps are common out in NZ so be carefull, have a great time doing stuff mate miss you.
Paul Goodrum
You never fail to disappoint mate! Great snaps once again.
Glad to see life is treating you rough!
Keep enjoying and treasure every moment.
Best wishes Goody
Out Of Da Bungalow
Dear Mr. Purdy. Your Photo's are great but I'm beginning to think I'm watching 'Planet Earth'. More wildlife please-don't mean penguins!
You're not waffling- remember I am the king of waffle- but I must say you're getting close to taking the crown.
Fantastic scenery- Glad you're still enjoying it. Best Wishes. Johnny B
Side Show
Yo buddy just had a fix of your exploits, kid you must be having the time of your life out there. It looks like the food is good on you and the beer must be flowing well also. when Debs and I went to NZ we where told to go to fox glacier, we never got there could you get some pictures for me. thanks for all the pictures so far and dont stop living the dream kid. Love you gumbo
Hi Robbie. Thought I'd say hi!! Not spoken for ages!! Hope all is still 'cool'.
Take Care, Love you, Miss you BYE for now!!
Hi Matey
Just a small note from the boys in Derby , stop posting all these photos of mountains sunsets & snow get back to the pictures of girls !!!! thats far more interesting & culturally stimulating. Obviously having a bril time you lucky man , yr site keeps us well entertained , hope you saw the england game , looks like we meet up in austria / switz in 2008 , boys on tour again me thinks !!! meet sweden again , "Id rather be a cabbage than a swede" etc etc etc