HEllo all.
Apart from turing up to the airport in Melbourne and being told that the flight we were booked on to get us to Sydney to meet our connecting flight to Auckland infact didn't even exsit there wasn't too much drama when leaving Oz. The small moment of stress created by that issue was shaddowed by the gallent effort by 2 of RObs sisters to come and see us before we left. Cazz desperatly tried to make her way down from Wagga the night before. She rightfully pulled over for a power nap but unfortunatey woke with only enough time to call us minutes before we were to get on the plane. And POor Jess faught Syndeny traffic to make it to the airport only to be stuck on the wrong side of a customs wall, as we were shuttled directly from our flight from Melbourne into customs. So we were forced to say our goodbyes over the phone to her aswell. Thanks heaps girls for making so much effort. We'll be sure to see you when we get back oxox.
The flight was pretty good. Robs fear of me sleeping all the way leaving her with no ne to talk too wasn't realised as she was glued to the little scren infront of her watching a never ending supply of chick flicks.
The meeting of my sister Fi and our Dad for the first time in 15 years was great. Nevous hugs but instant small talk and no ill feelings. Icouldn't ask for more then that. Angelica (my dads girlfriend) reacted to Fi,just as I thought she would. A huge hug. cupped her face in her hands and "Sooooo beautiful!!!!!" She's such a lovely lady.
WE spent the afternoon with Dad and Angelica where they stuffed us with food and asked lots of questuions. Siesta time after lunch was very welcome with Fi almost passing out at the table. We made it to our hostel that night and found too many bars to choose from to toaste the start of our adventure with piscoesours and papafrittas for dinner. We're soooo excited
Talk soon
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