Hey!!! okay well the last few days have been pretty crazy!!! okay it all started here. I was with Kara and Courtney - we went out to dinner to this nice place, and then after wards we just drove around a bit. We saw this guy from Israel (his name is Gadi) that they knew, but i'd never met. He was walking to the ferry terminal so we gave him a ride. Anyways we got to the ferry terminal - he was leaving for Kodiak Island (10 hour boat ride). We were joking around and I said "hmm maybe I should go to Kodiak". They they were all like YEAH YEAH! SO, I was impulsive and bought a ticket to Kodia. The boat left at 1 am, and arrived about 10 am or so. We rented a car and drove all over the island! We saw a spacecraft launch complex, and a missile launch silo!!! It was pretty insane. Oh and a huge coastguard base. Anways, after a while I realisd I had to be back in Homer to catch another boat at 8 am. So I jumped on the Ferry at 9 pm that night, and arrived back in Homer at 7 30 am, just in time to get to another dock to catch the other boat. I spent the entire day on that boat doing oceanography and drinking coffee!!!! So tired. That was so fun though! Then, after that finished, I got back to the center for alaskan coastal studies and a big suprise 18th birthday party was thrown for me along side the 25th anniversary of the center!!!! Anyways it was fun as!!! I got to go now!!! hahah talk to you later!
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