Awesome first night ever in a hostel, our room overlooked a busy crossing and a tram stop. So every five minutes there was a tram and then every 3 minutes there was a train. Nothing better than crying yourself to sleep :) Then the fire alarm went off like 9 times and no one told us that it does that.. alot. We were ready for diving out the window. Bed was comfy though and thats all you really need, even though we had a single blanket. Terrible. xxx
hahaha c'mon kelly, u didny expect 5* accomodation did u. backpackers....rough and ready, u hav a sleeping bag so wherever there is a floor u may hav 2 sleep, lol lol. pity about the cold tho, thats a bummer, same as here, cold n wet. have fun guys. xxx
Ross & Kelly
well as as soon as we get an adress for you to post it we'll get you to send it mum. We bought a new camera anyways.. typical lol. Gonna upload some pics now.
PS..he made me sound like i was a snob..i so wasnt..he was the one ready to bolt when we went in the room and it wasnt seeing everyones mingy stains on the mattress lol.... :)
hey u 2, glad uv arrived safely. jst 2 tell u that the cable for the camera has arrived today......typical. wot do u want me to do wae it, anything or nothing?
catch up with u soon xxxxxx
don't 4get to let us know how the kangaroo steak is lmao xxxxxxx
hey there u 2, so this is it, u r finally on ur way, what an experience u r both gonna hav. Kelly be sure and keep your promise :). i know u both will have a mind blowing time and I am so happy for you, even tho it may not hav seemed that way when i was greetin all over myself this morning lol. Ross, ma wee boy :-) i love u more than i can say and am chuffed out my nutt for u, u always said u wud travel and somehow i knew u would. keep in touch, keep each other safe and remember i am always always here for u, no matter what. wish u both all the luck in the world, take care, be happy and enjoy everything the future holds for u both on ur travels.xxxxxxx mum xxxxxxxxxxxx
Don't think you guys understand this bit, click new message to tell us how much you love us