Hi to you both, you look and sound like you are both still enjoying yourself's.....wish i was with you. The photos and blogs are brill, just like we are with you, just so jealous.....it is raining again this last bank holiday until August. Nothing changes here in the UK. Triplets birthday bash went very well, we missed you both, everyone was asking about you and I told them lots. well must go enjoy this next stage of your trip love Mum xxxxx
Well the messages to and from seem to be getting fewer and fewer , perhaps its because you only have a couple of months til we see each other again and all of the family and friends are waiting to tell and hear all of the stories face to face. You would have though in the land of Microsoft the internet would have been so much easier and cheaper! perhaps thats why they make so much money.Well its raining here again perhaps that was our summer , will you really want to come back to all this lovely weather and lose your tans as you look so brown.Everyone seems well and i am starting to plan when we can have the welcome home Barbie poss Sun August 17th or sat 23rd or sun 24th and your welcome back to Daventry meal whenever that might be
The pics that I have seen look very good but you are still smiling too much and the sun is too bright although that might change in the USA. Nan and Gina saw your video of the skydive and want to know when Ricky is going to do it with you to see if he smiles as much as you did , you made it seem so natural.Enjoy your time through USA and Canada
Lots of love Dad
Hi guys! you must really be disappointed when you come on here only to find boring babble from me! Sorry! still its better than having no messages at all right?? so the piccies are beautiful as usual! Its so strange seeing the ones of shipwrecked! Its on telly at the mo and its weird to see you there on the tigers and the sharkey islands! you tresspassers! hee hee! you are both still looking fantastic though! Ricks you look really really blonde! It must be all that fabulous sunshine! So things here are all cool, joshi is lovin the warmer weather and being able to play out on his trampoline and i love not having to worry about him cause it has a safety net which means i can just leave him to it! Mum and dad have gone off on their holidays cruising in the med for a couple of weeks, so we are ofcourse buster sitting and looking after the house for them. unfortunatly there is no exciting news to report everything is much as it was when i last messaged you, dav is still boring although development is in place! We are still living next to the pub which actually is not to bad lately! Joshi still goes to nursery and is still loving it! and Will is still....well...Will! hee hee! anyway we are all good! hope you are too! I can't believe there's only 2 months left! its crazy! but fab cause I've missed ya bird you too ricks! I told josh the other day that you would be home soon and he wouldn't let me leave the house all day cause he thought i ment you were coming home there and then bless him he didn't want to miss you!
Anyway enjoy the last leg of your trip and stay safe!!
Love ya and miss you guys!! x x x x
Travelling Sam
so we're now in America! we've spent three days looking for stars in la! and have now headed out we just outside santa barbara now staying in a luxurious best western hotel!!!! for just 11 pound a night each! whoo! we got our car sorted its a jeep! a posh one at that! we did our fist bit of road trip yesterday which was cool! anyways speak to y'all soon! have a nice day now!
read the one below first......
I think will is going to be busy tuesday night building it for munchkin and for me too ofcourse!! hee hee! So as you can see we have had a busy couple of days. although I'm sure you days have been far busier and far more exciting!! We did have a dilemma with buster the other day....We were about to leave mum and dads and buster wouldn't move out the way of the door so joshi went up to him and tapped him (which ordinarily would get a snarl and a quick move) but he didn't move...he just layed there....then dad got up and tried to get him to move but again he just laid there....oh god sam it was horrible!....we were all crying then mum got up and went ...for god sake buster move!...and just like that he hopped up out of the way as if nothing had happened! the little blighter! had us all worried sick! and he's as good as new now! strange hey? anyway enough crap for you to read today! hope your good!! oh and thanks for the message on facebook!
Miss you loads! love to rickardo too!!!
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
hiya peeps! hows things? all good I hope! So are you in LA now? I bet your so tanned! cow! hee hee! Even though the weather has been gorgeous these last few days i'm still whiter than milk! typical hey? S lets fill you in on what i've been upto.......last friday I went to see beauty and the beast on ice with will, it was amazing! The best prezzie I could have asked for! then on saturday we went to lizzie elliott and Carl Spencer's (spuds big bro) wedding which was lovely everyone looked gorgeous as usual! Then sunday we did naff all then bank holiday monday we had a car boot sale to raise money for a trampoline for joshi! Which we got on special offer...it should have been £190 with safety enclosure but we got it for £87 BARGAIN or what! So that comes next tuesday!
Mum And Stu
helooooooooo its great hearing from you again thought you had emiigrated. he he. Glad to hear you are still having a amazing time but i knew you would be. Its seems ages since we chatted its been the hardest yet. Me and stu are both ok enjoying the sunshine at the moment. Doug is coming tomorrow for a couple of weeks which will be really good, not sure about moving down because the social as messed all his money up but that is another story. I opened my last little gift in my box and it so lovely the little tulips from amsterdam thank you very much. lots of love mum and stu have a safe flight to the states hope to speak to you soon. Bon voyage.............. xxxxx
Just 2 let you know I haven't forgotten you!!! As if I DARE !!! All O.K. Lovely weather her to-day for a change. Glad you're Still O.K. I have an extra baby here now to look after+ 9 EGGS. Hope they don't all hatch. If they do you'd better find yourself a house and a cage!!! Looking forward to seeing you when you get home. Was lovely to speak to you on the 'phone.
Lots of love xxx
Travelling Sam
so we've been stuck in a place futhest from home and all we get to look forward to is two messages???? im disapointed with the lack of messages! maybe we should stay away for longer and you'll all appreciate us a bit more!
Louise Loveridge
Hi guys, at last i have managed to post a message to you on here! Sorry about that! Your pics are amazing i have a look to see what both of you have been up every week or so!! anyway just a quick hello speak to you soon xxxx
Nice to see some more photos of Fiji, the floating bed looks cool but think i might get seasick in it. Can't wait to see the dvd of skydive when I get a copy bet that looks really good. All fine over here and even the sun has started shining and we have turned the heating off !! Well for a while anyway as I am sure there is more rain on the way .Off to Stratford for May day hopefully.
lots of love
Hi Both, I can see you are still enjoying yourself's, which I am glad.....fantadtic photos and blogs I have enjoyed them again and cannot wait until the next lot....I will have to have patient. Not much going on here, take care both of you and speak to you soon love Mum xxxxxx