Hello you two!!! Had a lovely weekend, weather has been gorgeous but seeing as how god made sundays for ironing work clothes and making packed lunches it must mean we're back to work tommorrow!!! I'm only jealous!!! Keep taking the pic's Rich, take care and i'll email soon. Lots of love x x x
P.S - Jo you must be impressed with the number of messages getting through considering I was off when they did Maths!!!!!! Mind you tonight's is 1 + 1 so someone must be looking out for me!!!!! x x x
Still waiting for that Jo in a berka pic...
Dad And Sue
Sue wondered whether I needed to use excel to work out the maths since we've started the 3 months "retirement" - cheeky madam! Looking forward to seeing your next set of pictures - we have yet to get the new digital camera out of the box!!!!
We have been wondering what you guys have been on a bout with all the maths comments, but I realise now that you have to solve the mathamatical equasion before you can send a message!! All makes sense now... This is a spam filtering service so we don't get unwanted mesages - sorry for any confussion and hope the sums aren't to difficult!
We have just got to the Laos Spirit resort so will put up a blog once we get to Hanoi on the 18th. I hope every one is well. Take care R&J X
Helen And Matt
Brings back memories of our travels!! Looks like you are having a great time - You totally deserve to pamper yourselves after all your hard work in London. You only live once - If anything comes along that you really want to do then just do it or you might regret it or not get another chance. Impressed with the photography - great to see where you are and what you are doing. Jo I hope you enjoyed the malls of Dubai shame it was at the beginning of your trip - tempting to buy lots I am sure - there is always "shipping"!!! All well here in NZ - Winter has started to kick in so we are on the look out for Snowboards to get into it this season - If its going to be cold we will make the most of it. Wedding plans coming along nicely - meeting up with the Caterers today. Will email more soon - Keep safe and keep enjoying! Lots of Love Helen and Matt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jo,
Yes I do get the updates now so you must have the right e-mail address. I have to agree with Anna what is with the maths? Why do we have to do an exam everytime we send a message???
Rich's Dad
Hi R & J
Skype proved your cheap laptop WAS a bargain! How lucky can you get having all that personal attention . As you say hopefully I might be the next in line for a massage if I'm knot thai'd up!!! NAMASTE
What great pics - loving the photography Rich. Keep it up! Loving receiving the updates - Looks like you're having an amazing time. So wish i was out there with you.Looks like you were both celebrities to the locals in Chang Mai. Hilarious. Well, enjoy the next place on the itineray....look forward to the next installments Big hug to you both Missing youJulesxxxxx
WOW!!!What beautiful shots-I'm very impressed with the photography guys!!It looks so peaceful-I'm on the next flight out there-you going to be able to pick me up,any tuk tuk's around?xxx
dito-what is with the sum?
my maths is hopeless!
Kate Curphey
Hey Jo,
Looks like you're both having a fab time....so jealous! Deleted your personal email add so re-send when you get a chance. Life in airlines is slowly coming together...emphasis on slowly!
Keep having fun and i'll look forward to the next sickening uopdate!
Take care,
Kate xx
Lou And Lou
We too are facing a long ten hour shift and are gutted having seen your amazing photo's!!!!!! you lucky pair - i have just made the whole office jealous as hell showing them your photo's!!!!! We have a little sunshine and also me and Lou have an unrivalled view of the "B of the Bang" across the beautiful hamlet that is Beswick!!!!!! Doesn't quite compare!!!! Take care guys - enjoy and we'll keep the wheel on back home!!!!!! Loads of love - Lou and Lou Ish x x x x
P.S whats with the sums?
jammy gets!!!! it looks really nice, ive just got in work 7am in manchester!!!!!! .now i have a 10 hour shift to do, am glad your having a nice time , take care . alls well at home ,
joe ive stared to auction your furniture on ebay that you left behind in maz'z garage .