From Salzburg I took the train down through Austria and into Slovenia. The route down especially on the Austrian side was absoultley stunning with high mountains covered in snow.
When we crossed the border into Solvenia you could feel the change straight away in terms of arcitecture and the feeling about the place. It reminded me of the time when I went to Prague the old communist buildings that greeted me when I was there.
When I arrived at the train station I found my way to the backpackers right on the river in a great location and headed out to explore the city. Ljubijana is a lovely place and not to big either. Coming from Austria which was very touristy I hardly have seen any tourists which makes it a really nice place.
I visited the castle which provides you with a good view of the city but they have really done it up and it looks verz modern now so I didnt get a very autentic feel from the place but the views of the city were great. As well as visitng the casle I walked around the city its cobbled streets with coffee shops were really plesent and with the christmas lights out it made a really nice setting.
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