OK, so here our first update and when I figiure out how to put pics on here I will!
We have spent a few days in Beijng, its busy, hot and smoggy, but how can you complain when beer is 30p for a big bottle and a slap-up meal is about 1.50. We are staying a cool little backstreet hostel meeting loads of nice people. So far we have managed to:
Take a cable car to the Great Wall, walk a few hours on it, then get a toboggan back down the hill.
Visit Tiannamen Sq, the Forbidden City and markets selling live scorpions on sticks to eat.
Seen the Giant Pandas at Beijing Zoo
Find our way around when NOBODY seems to speak ay English
And...sleep a lot, still a bit jet lagged but I think we are doing OK. We are getting an overnight train to Xian (home of the Terracotta Warriors in two days) so I'll hopefully have figured out how to get some pictures on here. Love you all, miss you all xxx
PS its not quite as easy as I thought to get chance to e-mail you all, so this will have to do for a little bit! x
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