UK & Europe Experience 2013: Wrap-up & Honourable Mentions ... 8^)
Saturday, August 31, 2013:
... awoke at 05h00 this morning ... and jumped outside quickly as rain is forecast and I needed to pull down and fold the trip laundry from the clothesline ...
... 05h30 me & Bean are snuggled in and I'm completing the final version of the August 29 Blog ... she really wanted to add our encounter with "Hunter" the Customs Canine in the Montreal airport ... and I wanted to put a cap on the Blog ... I found yesterday I am missing writing my daily summaries.
... 06h50 the rain clouds open up and we get a lovely down pour and me & Bean are snuggled in bed [today's "selfie" photo] reminicsing about our trip ... good, bad, funny, silly -- all memorable
A memorable moment that didn't make it into the daily blogs ... and occurred twice ... which we were giggling about this morning:
Amsterdam: It was right at the beginning and again at the end of our time in Amsterdam we observed an elderly fellow speeding [like a demon] along on his 10-speed bike ... and when I say speeding I mean he was really clocking the blocks ... literally went flying by ... now picture this:
- skinny as a rail ... in fact it appeared like his old wrinkly skin was flapping on his bones as he sped by ...
- unbelievably tanned ... almost like a perma tan all over his body, and I say all over his body because all he wears is a tiny, itty-bitty speedo
- the first encounter: he was wearing a rainbow-striped speedo [some of the younger 20ish fellows we were standing by almost dropped to the ground in fits of laughter]
- the second encounter: he was wearing a "Union Jack" speedo
Truly one of those Kodachrome moments that stays engrained in your brain - forever ... and makes you grin ...
Signing off with what I have learned:
- I still don't have all the answers - I'm still a work in progress ... I truly don't want all the answers that's too much pressure ... taking every day as it comes and goes and appreciating what I can even if I have to dig to find the positive ... because it is there even if it is as simple as the notion of tomorrow will be better
- One's journey is a reflection of oneself ... we grow from what we personally see, experience, live ... I know that these reflections embody our inherent character ... reflect on what you did in a day, is it you? ... for me, it is -- it is connecting with people, it is silliness and lightness, it is appreciation for what can be appreciated, it is continuous learning
- I need to connect ... I need to interact ... the interesting characters I have met during my journey have been based on 2 things ... 1. my undeniable curiousity ... certain people I am drawn to and I don't deny that curious pull but rather I pursue it by putting myself out there first and asking questions later
... 2. the underlying fact that we all want to enrich our life's experience through connection ... but also knowing that connections may not always be a positive experience and learning and building from there ... from within our core self
- I need to see it all ... the ordinary along with the extraordinary ... looking beyond the surface and taking the time to truly observe and appreciate the spectacular and the simple ... expanding your vision and seeing beyond what is right in front of you - Sabine unknowingly re-taught this to me in Cannes and I am thankful for the reminder
- I like the unknown ... I like being able to rely on myself to see what I've got in me ... I like showing my child that bumps and hurdles are an opportunity to see a different perspective, to experience life or a journey along a different string ... that this new thread provides a whole new world of opportunity and encounters and people ... and all can be managed with a deep breathe, your wits and a laptop
- I like to "do" ... but I also like to "pause" ... it's been a while since I truly stopped -- but I know me and it was important that the front end of this journey was packed with "do's" and equally important that the back-end of my journey was wide-open ...
- I look forward to the next journey - whatever that may bring and teach ...
Acknowledgements ...
I know this journey would not have been possible without support from folks in both my personal and professional spheres:
- Thank you so very much, from the bottom of my heart ...
to Mom and Ashley for caring for my little buddy Ethan while we were abroad ... and thank you Lloyd and Ryan for your assisting contributions in supporting Mom and Ashley.
- Appreciation to Irene for minding Sunny during our absence.
- The support of close friends who told me I had the strength to do this ... DD & RJ
my sincere thanks and appreciation for your patience, ear and shoulder.
- Many, many thanks to my team at work ... I know you can`t truly "be" someone else but I know each of your strengths individually and as a team and I have a suspicious feeling you gave 120% because we all tend to provide more than that meager 100%
... I hope this mini journey of yours was an excellent learning and growing experience for each of you.
Dedication ...
This Blog is for and dedicated to Sabine ... I wanted to create this as a written tableau of our journey ... the fun, the silly and funny, the not so funny, the trials, the wonder, the magnificence of truly experiencing life and not just reading about it or viewing it on a screen. I know from experience that you cannot mold or shape someone else's journey because it is personal ... that is truly an effort in fruition; but, I do hope to have created for you a momento far greater than pictures ... I hope this serves as a wonderful supplement to your own personal memories. I love you SO much and feel fortunate for you every day and your rainbow perspective on life ... Cheers, Love & Hugs Dollie - RGR [ ... your Mom <3 ]
- comments
Mom Thank you my dear girl for your acknowledgement.. it is very much appreciated. You know, as a mom yourself, I would do anything for you.