The next day after the BBQ i caught a bus to Airlie Beach, which is the gateway to the Whitsunday islands. I arrived early morning and had to wait six hours before checking into the YHA hostel. This hostel is a converted motel and had a pool and each room had a balcony . I had two days here before my sailing trip over to the Whitsundays, so with time to kill i took the coastal walk which took me through rainforest and down onto the sands, this was the first time that it had really been hot in Australia for me and the sky was clear blue, which made a change from the rainclouds that had been following me up the east coast. That night i went out for a drink in the town and to make the most of my free drinks vouchers that i got when i booked my sailing trip. I was lucky as well as i had a voucher that had 3 names on it so i was able to get that amount of drinks in each bar instead of the one for me. There are several bars along the main strip in the town but the most popular ones were beaches and then later on in the night people move on to mama Africa's. The next day i went fishing off the rocks, but just like back at home i caught nothing, only it was more frustrating here as the water was so clear i could see all the fish swimming so close to my bait, as if teasing me. I had to go to the doctors as well to get some anti malaria tablets for SE Asia, this was not cheap and cost me 65 bucks to see the doctor just to wright a prescription, then another 70 bucks at the pharmacy for the drugs. would have been better to have brought more when i was back home. Had a quiet night that day and just sat on the balcony with my dutch room mate drinking a few cans, whilst watching the giant flying foxes landing on the palm trees just feet from us. The next day i was picked up with a few others outside the hostel and driven to the Airlie beach harbor. There were 25 of us all in total that boarded the ship Boomerang, which is a 83ft maxi ocean racing yacht. It was raced under the name Ondine V11, and had won races including the world maxi class series race, plus races in USA, Japan and New Zealand. But after 2001 the ship was brought buy southern cross sailing adventures and fitted out witha full galley, 3 bathrooms, 3 dinning tables, lounge area and the head room was increased to 2m. There was also berths fitted for 28 guests and 4 crew. We were allocated our bed as we walked on board and headed down below. There was a limited amount of singles but i was one of the first on board so managed to get one. The headroom was tiny probably just over 20 inch's, but was far better than those that had to share a double, as they were just over the size of a single. We were given a safety brief down below, then asked to all go up top for the captain's brief. Which a quick run down of how the next two nights and three days would pan out. Then we moved out from the harbor under engine until we were clear of the mainland, then the captain asked for six volunteers to help raise the sails, i jumped at the chance and was placed on a winch. It took only a couple of minuets to hoist them both up and we started to sail proper. We all sat on one side with our legs hanging over the high side as the ship tilts over. We sailed fro about an hour and half before we stopped at a small bay for our first snorkel . We anchored up just 100m from a small island, as we were going to snorkel on the fringe reef that surround the island here. After gearing up we were told that the pool was open, so one by one we jumped ship, the water was warm around 21 and we had wet suits so could stay in there for around 45min'sno problem. We spotted a giant manta ray on the surface only 40m from us, but it was gone by the time we managed to swim there. WE could still see many other fish though, mainly small but there was one sea trout that wasquite big. The coral was very impressive, with many colors and shapes and sizes. Some were soft and some were hard that can cut like a razor, as some of the group found out.After our dip we set sail again further into the Whitsundays to find a sheltered spot to anchor up. This is where we would remain for the night so we sat on deck watching the sunset whilst our dinner was made ready down in the galley. That night the beer and goon flowed as we all got to know one another. But it was a early night for most as we were worn out from the swim we had. It was an early rise the next day, the captain called us all at 07.00 for breakfast and gave us another run down on the days play. Once this was done we set sail for our next snorkel site. This spot was far better than the day previous as it was much clearer and there were many more fish to swim with. After around an hour, a dive boat arrived and myself and two others joined this for a scuba dive. Although we dived at the same location, this was was by far a better experience. As we swam up to 12m down which gave us a clear view of the world below. We swam through and at one point under the coral. The fish were so colorful and seemed as interested in us as we were them. The dive lasted 30 minuets but it felt much longer. This was made to felt even more the case as when we surfaced, i noticed the weather had changed from bright sun to dark Grey clouds and the wind had picked up also. We sailed into the night to find a suitable shelter for the night., which made for a few worried looks. But arriving safely, dinner was cooked and more beer and goon flowed. The next day we sailed for Whitehaven beach, which has to be one of the best sand beach in the world. You can use the sand to polish the glass on a watch, it was that fine, almost like talc. Around this beach stingrays patrolled and i spotted at least 30 in the shallows drifting by. We had just a short time here before we had to set sail again back to Airlie Beach. The crew had no time to rest once there as they sailed out again with another group.I spent the next two days just relaxing around the hostel and planned my travels coming.I left Airlie for Cairns which was a long bus journey and i must say that the buses are no where near as comfortable as those i traveled on in south America. Anyway i was also joined on this trip by a German guy called Fabian who had been on the sailing trip as well. We arrived in Cairns that night after around 12 hours on the bus. We walked across the city and checked into the YHA. On first impressions this hostel looked very nice and had a decent pool and great seating area that come off from the kitchen. It was very busy, and there was a mixed crowed. That night we just had time to walk to a night food market for a oriental dinner, then it was back to the hostel to get some much needed sleep. The next day the sun was shinning bright so i took a short walk to the harbor area, here they have a large swimming pool which is set in a park. Many people had the same idea of just lounging aroundthis area catching the rays. That night was spent at the cinema, which was a good way to stay out of the many pubs that are dotted around the city, as i had to be up early the next day for a snorkel trip over to the great barrier reef and an island called green island. So the next day i met my boat down at the harbor at 07.00 and we set sail at 07.30 for the reef. The trip took just under two hours. The water was so clear here and very warm. I jumped in and was impressed straight away by the size of the fish, their colors and by how many there was. The sher size of the coral here was also mind blowing. I started to swim away from the boat following the reef below me. I spotted some fish that were well over 1.5m in length, then the grand prize of the day for me i see a giant turtle just below me. He did not seem worried or disturbed by my being so close, so i swam just 1m away from him following his direction. It was amazing, he just kept turning his head and gave me a slight look, and then just kept swimming next to me. I managed to stay with him for what must have been 15 minuets before we came to a deep drop off and he dived down into the darkness. On the swim back to the boat i see a giant clam that had a lodger moved in, a moray eel was sat inside this shell that was over 1m in size. Then when i got back to the boat i was lucky enough to see aquick sighting of a black tip reef shark that was lurking under the bottom of the boat. He swam away as i and others approached closer. After an hour in the water it was time for lunch that was made ready for us by the 3 crew. After this we were dropped off onto green island, where we had an hour to do what we wished with. The island has a hotel on, and has some great beaches all around. We returned to the ship and had one last swim before heading back to Cairns. On the return trip i was offered the chance to sail the ship for around an hour. The skipper told me the coordinatesand let me loose behind the wheel. We managed to get back in one piece so i guess i did OK! The hostel was very noisy that night, as there were a group of guys that returned at 03.00, and decided that it would be a good idea to smash windows, skate on the balcony's and urinate in the pool. My thought on the hostel changed that night, as it was clear that the security was very poor, and what made it worse was when people complained about it in the morning, they was told that there was nothing that could be done about it. Worst YHA i ever stayed in!The next day Fabian and i left for Singapore.
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