Well. We haven't left yet. It's 10 am and I'm sitting in Arielle's bed while she is fast asleep next to me. Our plane to Paris leaves a 5:45 today and we arrive in Paris in the morning. From there, we fly to Marseille. I am nervous to see my family again simply because I am worried about my french-speaking abilities, but I trust that everything will be just fine. I'm moderately to severely neurotic about travelling though (I get it from my father) and would really appreciate prayers and happy thoughts sent our way so that Arielle and I can get off the plane in Marseille still being at least friendly with one another. We both claim that we are going to try and sleep on the plane, but c'mon. We haven't seen each other in a few weeks and its our first international trip together. No one can blame us for getting too excited. I downloaded movies to be safe. I'm going to miss talking so reguarly with all of my American friends, but I trust you will all make smart decisions in my absence. Dani-- DDGM. I'm going to try and keep this blog updated fairly regularly for all of our friends and family who are not on this trip with us, and maybe some of those I do see will want to spy on the rest of our trip (Allo!). I guarantee this trip will be full of laughter, pizza trucks, and reviews of my family tree. A bientot!
P.S-- Arielle is not going to be thrilled in my choice of photo for this entry.
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