Hi Becky
Have u been having a good time
We miss u heaps
Sounds like u r having a good time
Beck :)
From what you have told me already you are having an amazing time!! Don't forget about us here in New Zealand but have an awesome time. Love you loads xxx Meagan
Janelle Beaman
Hi Becky! Wow it sounds amazing! Are they already sick of you saying Ciao over and over (as that's the only Italian word you know!) We had a wicked 11 days away - 27c most days!! Have fun! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures! love Jandal
Hey Bex
You'll be so pleased to finally be in Italy! We have come up to Te Anau and it has rained since we got here practically...so not missing any boating.
Loving the blogs...keep it coming!
Bronnie xx
Hi Becky
Great talking to you yesterday! Hope the last part of your journey went ok. Looking forward to reading about your exciting adventures.
Love from the Slee family
Jill Adams
HI Becky
You will now be in Auckland It was great so many came to see you offTake care You will be ready for some sleep
love Nana
Have fun loser! Make sure you snapchat me everything you do cause I'll be doing the same back to you!
Hi Becky just wanted to be the first to leave you a message :) Hope you enjoy your last day home before your big adventure. Exciting......!!!!!