We're in Zermatt now after a HUGE fondue dinner, drinking JaegerMeister and surfing the internet. Ciao.
Ana Scales
Hi! I've been reading your blog. It sounds like you are having quite a journey! Mom and dad says 'hi!' I've printed out your journals so they could read this - of course mom hogged all the prints. They want more pictures of you and not just another "building":)
Brandon- hello. how do you like it out there? lots of fun things? hope so. love you
Nastasia-hello.how is your journey? What kind of food have you eaten? Are you having fun? I hope so. I know it better be fun! Love you! xoxo :) :) Bye:)
Stay safe...we are thinking of you often! Mayann
Hi! Google Earth'd Therwil Switzerland. Looks like a cute town. Have fun and say "hi" to the Borja's out there. Get our cousin's address so I can google earth it also.
The most sage advice ever given to me about vacations goes as follows:
"while on vacation, say yes more often that you say no"
Everything is sounding great!! I am very proud of you and admire the courage it took to venture out on your own.
Safe travels my friend.
W. Dove
Dude, Sounds like a blast......and sounds like you're super-caffeinated, flying through Europe and all. You should change your journal title to "Hurricane Ray blasts through Europe" heh, heh Hope you get a chance to see the countryside - I hear it's beautiful....may be more peaceful, too. PS - I faxed the forms to Pat as needed. Have fun.
Hi Ging! Great photos! I have google earth now, try to get me an address of where you are. The kids and I are having fun with it. What are you eating? Did you sleep in the train station?
Todd S.
Hey Ray,
Nice photos! Looks like you are have a blast. Just remember when you get to Amsterdam...don't breath the air.
Have fun! Rent a car when you leave London, you'll have a better time! Believe me, I used to see all the backpackers, carrying their bags, looking tired, not seeing any sights because they had to walk miles to the hostel only to find out there's no room! Buy lots of cool stuff to bring back. Be careful! Take lots of pictures!
John Klein
What up bro? Got any condoms left? Have fun!
Hi Ging!
Sounds like you are having fun! The kids would love to see photos from you soon. Don't forget to get us something great!
Todd, Ana, Brandon, Nastasia
Hey Ray - we'll keep your Dad up on your correspondence; He's really excited about your travels. Enjoy yourself, drink *bottled* water, and drink lots of wine! Treat everyone like a new friend, but keep your wallet snug. Try not to look so lost, for cryin' out loud! Have a great trip!