Ryan, I'm so glad you updated your blog. You are right when you say everything works out in the end. What you are doing is amazing!!! I am so proud of you. It takes alot of courage what you're doing. Always remember, we may not be there with you physically, but we are always there with you spiritually and in your heart. Love you, Aunt Lori
Ryan! Atta Boy! The only wait out is through! And look what was waiting for you on the other side! I am so proud of you dear friend! Everything happens for Reason. Everything! Have a blast in Tibet. We all miss you and love you and are excited as heck as you conintue on this adventure! With Gratitude, David
HEY! Your blog is hilarious! I told you you are going to have to wipe your ass with either a leaf or in your case a dead animal hahahaha!! Sorry I missed your call the other day. I saw Bono last night it was AMAZING I wish you could have been there with me. I hope you are having fun. Miss you.
Hey Ryan....sooooo glad that you're doing this so that all of us can keep up with you and take the trip vicariously. Great pictures. Never again do I want to hear that you don't eat something.....from this point forward looks to me like everything's fair game....lol...safe travels....love ya....Debra
Lori Hedman
Hi Lu,
The pictures are awesome!!! I love reading the blog...it feels like we're experiencing it with you. "GO APE" haha. I'm glad you're doing well. Have a wonderful time!!!