hope your having a fab time by the looks of it your well and truely loving every minute! keep up with the pictures..they are the highlight of my day! lol
keep living it up!!!
x x x x
The little man from james bond was called Nic Nac?? haha is that a joke? im sure its called odd job!!
Those islands and waterfalls looked gorgeous, not sure id like walking round with those monkeys, did they jump on you or owt? Iv actually worn a skirt to work today cos its been quite warm actually , looks like you 2 have caught some colour, have you been on the go all the time or had some chill out time fitted in too?12 hours travelling that sounds harsh but what do i care your in bloody Thailand after all hehe.
Muchos Love Nic xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Julie W
Hey guys!
Rach...sorry for taking ages to get in touch. BT have literally just delivered our internet and the first thing I did was go on here to check out your photos!
Wow!!! is all I can say. It's clear to see that you're both living the dream!
Take care
Lynda Loo
According to JR Im a plonker. The name of the little guy in the bond film was nic nac and not odd job so thought I had better tell you in case you wondered what the heck is she talking about. As usual Im having one of my KRAFT moments.
Im sure you are used to me Ciara
LL x
Lynda Loo
Quick update. Just taken Ralph out for his lunchtime walk and something yellow was just peeping out from behind the clouds. I think it is called sun. We saw a couple of people having a picnic on a bench and Ralph thought he would try his luck to see if he looked cute enough to get a bit. Yes it worked they could not resist him, they shared a sarnie with him.
Latest photos are fab - wish I had seen the beach where the bond film was made, I loved that film with little odd job. Was there a hotel built into the cliff side like on the film?
Thats all for now folks.
Love LL xx
Lynda Loo
Photos look great. Could not have made it thru the night at the beach party, obviously getting old. Sounds like some of your blood will be turning into alchohol by now seems to be plenty of drinking going on. Latest update on the sun we have not got any. Keep having to give Ralph some TLC amongs other things (you know what I mean Ciara). Nothing exciting happening here so keep me entertained with your blogs and photos.
Love LL xx
hey chic!! looks well good that fl moon party bet id have loved it ha ha cant believe u dint get in till 10.30AM u dirty stop out!!! anyway hope ur havin loads of fun!! loveu xxxx
Mum & Co
Wish we were there say Mum's house party guests. Fortunately just eaten so not keen on deep fried heads! Desperately jealous. Looking forward to seeing stuff from Hoa Chi Min City in old language is Saigon - remember the musical. Mike wants to know if you have tried fried crocodile yet!. Photos are brilliant. Will make Jersey look very tame. Love from Mike ps Mum only using computer to check blog every half hour and direct line from school!
love Mum X
Dad (Rog)
Hi Girls! What great uderrwater pictures - so worth practising in the washing-up bowl. Love the one with blue spots but never seen those square orange ones before That island looks gorgeous - as does the whole place (plaice..?!). Good to be meeting other folks - have you met people coming the other way round yet to get some tips? Duncan from NZ with us next weekend so will get ideas off him. Currently in NYC in the heatwav, it's 92 so makes me think of you! Did the shoooooow last night (Fri) but taking it easy today. Big hug to both of you. Stay safe. Love Dad X
Hello Rach and Ciara,
I am loving your photos. Everything looks fabulous and sunny and beautiful. I am really jealous. Hope some of our tips are helping. Forgot to mention that Tom Yum soup is really yum, give it a try if you get the chance.
Oh and Rach, just incase you are missing the joys of Lichfield, I went to the end of the festival fireworks on Sat and saw a mass brawl .
Keep safe and have fun,
love ness xxx
Mum (Liz)
Glad to hear you're doing the nurse Wilson bit Rachibaby - but not nice that Ciaraboo is feeling yucky heard from Simon - Barcelona's been ace, now on the bus to Benicassim (is that how you spell it?) for the festival. Glad you're both enjoying paradise!
Jane and Dawn and Lisa and Pieter and Sue all send their love Rach...
love you both
Mum xxxx
Lynda Loo
Ciara, just had to tell you the funniest thing just happened. JR was looking all smart in his white shirt and pressed pants. Went to the toilet then to wash his hands, your dad had watered down the hand soap and it shot all over his shirt and pants, we heard a loud shout and then he came in dripping it was mint.
Teaching Ralph to bark on request so next time you ring he will talk to you.