After leaving for Vang Vieng at 7am what followed was 3 days of drunkenness. Armed with our 'Tubing gear' and Ray bans (I mean Ban Rays) we headed for our tubes. In hindsight you don't really need tubes, a mistake we learnt on the first day as all our tubes where stolen and we lost the deposit but still an experience you should do once. First bar, 'Q Bar' with a free shot of something nasty (Lao Lao) and a bracelet. Mix this with a few beers, vodka buckets, more Lao Lao shots and industrial spray paint and it was time to hit the water of course. Forming one large human tubing chain we sailed across the strong current to the next bar, 'Star Bar', again greeted with Lao Lao shots and bracelets. The alcohol was kicking so we grabbed a free BBQ skewer, danced under the showers on the raised dance floor, applied more industrial spray paint, drank more buckets and sneaked in a cheeky game of volleyball. Back to the water, tip don't get caught in the current or you'll float away, thank goodness Fiona was nearby so I could hitch a ride on her tube. Arriving at the 'Bucket Bar' we're greeted by a lovely girl with more alcohol shakes than a road drill. The girls, Fran and Graham head up to the dive board and me and Rachel head to the alcohol (of course). Make sure you're streamline when you enter the water from the jumps all you'll end up like Fiona with a giant bruise on her left thigh and Carly bruised her ribs. Ouch!!! After consuming a vast amount of alcohol, bee whiskey shots and a mass dance off to "Americano" we float away into the sunset to our last bar 'The Big Slide Bar'. We spent the last rays of sunlight dancing with a tranny who kept rubbing her cardboard boobies against us (painful!) to the hits of J-Lo, Enrique and Pitball. V-man took me up the big slide, a brave move considering I suffer from vertigo but a conversation about S&M kept me distracted enough I didn't pass out or vomit. I'd like to say it was a graceful decent but I fell in the water like a lead balloon with one big splash. Whoops, its pitch black and we are on the wrong side of the river, how do we get across….across a bridge that could barely support a fly (we did this one night) or on a long boat across the river in complete darkness, hell yeah! In between all our tubing fun fell Halloween. If anyone knows us Halloween is a big thing on our calendar but for 5 months in Asia we didn't pack our Halloween costume. What to do? Smurfs with industrial spray paint, a giant human orange stray bus….ummmm…..Tonga with our bed sheets, lovely! So us five girls wrap ourselves up in our hotel bed sheets and 'hit the town' with Graham in tow. Fluorescent lighting, classic 90's party tunes and more buckets, that's one way to raise the spirits.
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