Right guys, we're here. We made it (just about). Left Gatwick airport which was suffering from the best in British weather after a delay from the South African. Us non-travellers were amazed at the TV's, free food and drink (especially alcohol), ice cream and the teeny tiny towels. Watched disney movies all the way to Dubai and the sunset over Iraq was amazing (The picture doesn't do it justice). We landed in Dubai at midnight (local time). Airport was amazing. Rochelle and Sarah were confused about the toilets. We befriended an Arab who told us the football scores. He seemed very at the English teams defeat. Had an Arabian burger king and were slightly annoyed at the lack of bacon on the menu! Second flight had loads of turbulance which James slept through, conveniently waking up for the food.
Landed midday in Bangkok and met with Jaidee and her family (and the extreme heat!). Had an interesting introduction:
Jaidee: This is my sister...or brother...brothersister
Mil: I'm a Ladyboy!
Taxi journey was great fun, sarah got felt by the brothersister and Rochelle and James attempted to learn some Thai (Badly!). Arrived at hotel where the doors were opened for us in a Titanic-like fashion. Explored our suite (Thats right SUITE!) and then went for a swim in the pool. Had a random chat with a nice man who bargained a tuk-tuk for us to this local vietnamese restaurant. Had a gorgeous meal (still not sure what it was) and returned to our suite to admire the view from our 55th floor balcony before heading to bed.
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