Even though I have only known you for short period of time, I think you are great.
I can't believe the time has finally come. Make sure you pack your PG Tips because we English folk fix everything with a cup of tea and as there will be crying a lot when you get back you are going need it.
I think that you are a beautiful person and who deserves the best in life so go and get it. I definitely plan to come down to Australia next year to see you on your own turf, but so that I dont feel like an outsider please practice the following.
Alllriggght (Translation: hello)
Cupatea? (Translation: would you like a cup of tea?)
It would seem that these are the only two words that we English folk respond well too.
I look forward to seeing you, good luck. Love Ya
Well finally going to see you again have only waited 2 years. Whoopa!!! Only 4 more sleeps to go and you will see us all again!!Have you replaced your Big Ben watch? or will the real clock be missing when you leave? Can't wait to show you my cutie pie neice!
Allo purdy, i will always remember you in the lovely frock that you put on for meg's farewell. Take care on your way home and im sure you'll take the party that is london life home with you. I'll see you tonight at no.2 farewell or is this 3 lol.
Had a blast on Saturday night, I'm sure going to miss drinking with beerwench #1. No-one could replace you! I'm free for cocktails every night this week, so make sure you call me for one last stint at running a muck in London. Actually make that 5 last times to run a muck before you leave on Sunday : ( See you tonight!
Well Purdy, your london adventures are coming to an end and you wanted my to write something nice, but i'm struggling find that!! But wait...... if i ever felt home sick and needed to hear to good aussie accent there's always you to call & have a chat to. Behave yourself... on second thoughts, run a muck like only you can. lol. xxx
Hey! Great Web site but i think of the 1000 photos of you and me you could have picked a nicer one! oh well we can take a new one in 11 more days! WHOO HOO Ive been getting into training!
Carol Hanckel
Hi Lisa,
Finally managed to access your site, enjoyed looking at all the photographs, nice one of you and Steve and good to see poor old "Gout Boy". Looking forward to seeing you very soon (the kettle is on)!!!
Your Fav Cuz Sam!*!*!*!
hey lisa, I love knowing what you have been up to for the 1000000 years you have been gone. I cant belive i get to see you in 20 days arghhhhhhhhhhhh i must be dreaming hopefully you stay here for ever when you come back we have many storied to swop.
love sam....
Purstar, great site, very similar to mine actually!!!!!got to love these offexploring sites. Great seeing you last night at my birthday drinks. Not long to go for you now, i will miss you heaps, hope you come and visit me in NZ.
Lis xxoo
Hey Purdy! Great website. Pleased to see you're busy at work and are able to put your photos up! It's been great living at Anson Road with you mate and catching up (usually at Prescott Place parties!). Can't wait to hear what life is like back in oz but I'll catch you in Brizvegas/Gold Coast once I get back and you're on hols. Lisa
Luke Legend
more of me please!!!!!
ah hahaha! they were the dayz
great to see your ugly mug......i mean your beautiful smiling face, with some of your mates on your travels. Still remember how you helped me out with my first time off aussie soil, keep smiling