pip and binny's days of fun....
First off we loved it!!!!! Got an absolutely amazing group of 11 of us'team dean' , so funny don't think we actually stopped laughing (or drinking) for 3 days. Such a good crack thanks to a few memorable sayings and one of the lads unnatural obsession with sand!!! Saw some goannas (bloody great big lizard thing) and dingos who stole bread out of our cool box (sneaky little monkey)
Lake mckenzie was brilliant, the beach was ace and enjoyed camping but we did have sand in places i didn't think was possible!!!! Didn't shower for three days, drank a lot of goon (wine), beer and jim bean on the second night. I can safely say that i won't be bringing him out on a night out for a very long time!
Had so much fun and well looking forward to the team dean reunion. Unfortunately now i have to talk to fi again but you know some things can't be helped!!!
For those people who read fi's last entry I don't have dreadlocks even tho Mrs S said she could have coped with dreadlocks but no facial piercings........
Fi sends her love all and wants to big up team dean one last time!!!!!!!!!!!!
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