wow. looks wonderful. thanks for the warning re. the naked dennis. kids might be puzzled as to what kind of holiday you are on. all fine here...angus excited about being a stew mellie in august. poppy has lots of chat and newest word is "pak choi" sophisticated is she? hope the camper van is behaving better than poor Sally. big hugs. xxx
Oh Brother! Great anecdote about the beans - I have a mental picture in my head which will sustain me in any moments of woe!
Hope your buddy got Sally the Volvo going again - if the starter motor is malfunctioning you could always get the pistons going by harnessing bean power..... for you from Scotland. I have taken a job with an Edinburgh publishing firm and start in two weeks. Flat hunting next week - hope to get a shoebox somewhere in the NewTown so I can reaquaint myself with some of the pubs I frequented in my youth. Can't wait for you to join me for a pint of the black stuff mon ami.
All best for now, love you xxx
hey phil, your trip sounds good. mainly leaving this to let u know that ur baked beans incident actually made me laugh out loud to myself for a good few minutes. that is such a typical 'philip' thing to happen. like the time when u fell into loch tay getting onto the kayak, or the time when u were attacked by wasps on the side of the loch in pitlochry ( "quick philip, take your trousers off!!!" ... "what!?" ... "get in the water!!!" ). aside from the stings, how funny was that looking back. or the time a car park barrier came down on your head, that could only have happened to you, must have been like a 20 million to 1 chance of happening. i'm sure i could continue, but i think i'l leave it at that. sorry for laughing at your misfortune, i assure you its meant in a good, reminiscing way rather than a cruel, mocking way. anyway... glad your still having a great time, hopefully hear from you soon. mike
P.S. What you really need is a good horse!
Wow Philip! That sounds a bit too exciting. I was going to give you a rest from us, but have just achieved an ambition which I had to tell you about... Became the very first person to read and rate your Story of the Day (which is a hair raising tale for one whose mind is constantly in overdrive about matters like getting lost in the Outback etc. Got lost up Glen Clova recently, you see, and that was bad enough but out has to be immense!! So, take good care , huh? And watch out for those BEANS,for goodness sake! from all of us.
Hi Philip, We are running out of superlatives. Very envious of the Doof Doof trip... my idea of a dream holiday. Excellent photos, as ever, and the postcard gives us a real feel for your adventures. Story and pics of the wee calves were a favourite. We have a brand new gorgeous foal, born atop The Hill at 0230hrs Sat so baby animals high up the ratings! Have to say the surfing pics also great action shots. You are one over on Murray for actually getting your vehicle safely to its destination ( C and I still smarting over Golf to Skoda transition!) so well done. Love from Rowans all xx.
Lovely Phots! Enjoy Alice.
Hey phil, the pictures from your road trip look really good, i like the van. seems like your still having a great time, although the weather seems to be getting a bit colder, no doubt its still better than here though! the rain has been ridiculous today. when are you off to new zealand? and also what date are you getting back to scotland? can't wait to meet up 4 a drink or two and here all about your trip. Michael
Charlie O.
Philip, I think you know well, that many of your viewers want to see pictures of your female companions. So pull over at a Internet cafe or whatever and share the love!
Steve & Alex
Ahh great work Phil, the Toadmeister and the Singing love doctor. So when are you going to be uploading some pics of these European girls eh?
Charlie Oliver
Philip, I congratulate you for bagging the two euro birds you mention in your blog, they will make your trip a lot more comfortable I am sure!
Keep it safe and clean,