I safely flew from Bangkok to Colombo, despite my luggage was considered missing by the airline (I will not name it). After spending one hour filling all kind of complain forms, I found out that my pack was considered as part of a group of Chinese's tourists, and therefore placed in a separate room.
Anyways, it's 1am and after passing customs controls I am in the Colombo airport's arrival hall, being literally attacked by dozens of taxi drivers. (I was the last passenger, plus I was a tourist)
I managed to catch a taxi to a nearby city named Negombo (Colombo itself being pretty far from the airport), and found a decent hotel, considering my needing after the 9 hours journey between Khaosan road and Negombo. Needing was actually a bed.
The day after I woke up finding a nice beachfront hotel with a fancy swimming pool. So I decided to spend the day here trying to catch my first sunburn.
In that matter, I completely succeeded!
On the next day, I decided to leave towards the south coast of Sri Lanka, in order to escape the crowded city of Colombo, and to look for some quiet place to get used to Southern Asia on a slow slope.
So I jumped on a train from Negombo towards Colombo's main station, where I had to wait for about 2 hours before catching a connecting train towards the south. And that's where I really realized how much Southern Asia is crowded... Sorry, but no way to express it with words...
Anyways, trains are funny in Sri Lanka, less than 1 dollar for a 6 hours and 300km ride in third class: which basically means that if you're not part of the first 50 people boarding the coach (which is totally impossible for a foreigner with heavy luggage), you will stand for the next 6 hours along with 200 people. I don't even know why they provide doors and windows, since they're left open all the time, regardless of rainy or sunny weather.
Riding down the west coast was great, despite my ankles and knees were taking fire: standing 6 hours on a bumpy train is painful. Train rides just meters from sea on one side, and centimeters from local houses on the other.
I decided to stop in Hikkaduwa, small city known for its surf spots and beaches, where I quickly got angry with local tuktuk drivers at the train station offering rides to "a good hotel on the beach". I asked them how far those places were: 2.5km was the answer. I was certain that their answer was to persuade me taking a tuktuk instead of walking, so I started walking.
Most of them followed me of course, but those of you who knows me well also know that when I say no to something offered to me, even if it's rationally 1000 times better to say yes, I will never change my mind, even if that leads me into tricky situations...and guess what? In fact they were not lying, so I had to walk 2.5km (45 minutes) which turned to be a nightmare considering my heavy backpack and the temperature.
I found a cute guesthouse on the beach, room was dirty, but price was right. So I dropped my stuff there, signed the usual register (last entry was from 2 month ago), and went for dinner. As I was the only guest since the past 2 month they were quiet happy to see me!
When coming back to my room for the night, I was invited to share a tea (real Ceylon one!) with my hosts and I offered them one of the (3!) swiss chocolate tables that I took with me.
Chocolate disappeared in less than 20 seconds and they hanged the wrapping paper on the wall!
Next day I decided to verify this place's reputation: "surfer's paradise", so I rented a surf board for half a day.
Problem is that I surfed only once in my life in Bali, 2 years ago, and by the time sea was very quiet. This time ocean was much rougher, so after trying for 30 minutes I gave up (after enjoying a few liters of very tasty salty water). Longest time I was able to stand on the surf was less than 1 second before falling underwater for another drink. Can't imagine what people seating on the coast and watching at me have thought... I think they must had a nice time.
After exiting water, I spent 30 minutes to regain my breath while watching local kids surfing... There must be something wrong with gravity...or maybe with me on a surf board...
I finally opted for a walk along the coast. I know it's not as sexy as riding the beautiful Indian ocean's waves...but at least that's something I can do pretty well. And I can guarantee you that watching me trying to surf is everything but sexy. Also, I was no longer thirsty, so there was no particular reason to continue !!
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