Our desert odyssey over, it was time to return to the western world, to let our hair down and party: Sydney.
In a marvellous piece of efficiency and planet care by the airline Qantas it was considerably cheaper to fly from Alice Springs to Sydney via Melbourne (using two planes) rather than flying direct (I think they have been working in partnership with BA for too long). Anyway in Melbourne something was 'odd' or 'different' and it took a while to work out what it was: ah yes the reappearance of suits and stylishly dressed people. Board shorts, vest and thongs (flip flops) had been swapped for suits and the latest fashion and as we boarded the 'city link' Melbourne to Sydney commuter plane we felt a little out of place in our straw hats.
Sydney was fantastic. Mainly because we were staying with Vicky J. (friend from Uni who emigrated) and her boyfriend Matt. After tents, swags and youth hostels we enjoyed relaxing in a home and even ... watching TV a real treat. We were staying in Bondi beach where, one the day we arrived, a surfer was attacked by a shark - blimey. You'd have thought this would have kept us out the water but our local guides insisted that it was safe. We weren't so sure but figured that as long as our hosts were swimming further out than us we'd be safe. As they say you don't have to swim faster than a shark - just faster than your friend.
So we partied hard in Sydney including: a fantastic night dancing to the local band in a genuine Australian surf club - video to follow - and an amazing meal at a great seafood restaurant. But we also found time to fit in the sites. The Opera house is quite spectacular, with a great champagne bar, and Pete found a bizarre sense of pride in the fact that the harbour bridge is designed and build in Middlesbrough (yeah!).
Next stop New Zealand
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