So this is it, the end of a very short era - our final blog. From now on we will all have to e-mail and phone to keep in touch but that is OK, a bit more personal and a chance for two way communication rather than our nine month monologue. Don't start weeping immediately though - there is still this one to read and since we are now in we are putting in what we think people will want to know about our new home.
Firstly - our new apartment as we spend most of our time (and money) here. Well despite our fears of a tiny, expensive rat trap it is just expensive (rats can't be bothered to climb three flights of stairs). As for being tiny it is actually pretty spacious, more of a glorified corridor than a UK style flat but six rooms of a decent size isn't something to sniff at (see video). The neighbourhood has been a pleasant surprise as well, it seems that as we have wandered around the city talking to people (everybody has an opinion about the merits of where you live) that Hells Kitchen gets a quiet nod of approval. I have to say we agree - we rarely have to ride the subway, Central Park, Riverside Park, grocery stores, cinemas, restaurants, bars and practically everything you need is within a ten minute walk. Some how makes Sandyford seem less cosmopolitan in comparison.
Secondly - the job hunt. Neither of us has found anything yet and whilst there are good days and bad days there have been encouraging signs. R has been networking with a passion, seizing on any opportunity to talk to anyone in training & development. Her resume has been sent out all over the city and she has had a couple of good meetings with like minded people which is encouraging. It was hard to get the ball rolling but now the contacts and opportunities are multiplying and someone will soon be enjoying her brand of trouble. Things are slightly different in A's job hunt, lots of requests for meetings have gone out but people seem less inclined to talk. The meetings attended seem to be with recruitment agents looking for a quick buck and who will tell you anything to get you on the books and hanging on the end of a phone, it's a waiting game.The good news is that it looks like his experience desirable and something is bound to happen soon. For both of us we know much more about the job market than we did two weeks ago and have made good progress, everyone keep your fingers crossed.
Thirdly - social life in the city. Before we moved here we knew that we had good friends scattered around, A's family and R's high school and college friends. In the first two weeks we have been out for drinks a couple of times, had a big late birthday celebration for R with a Chinese meal and karaoke till 5 am (see cringy video). We have been to Coney Island for the day, we went to Brooklyn to watch the NY philharmonic play free in the park and were invited to a downtown dinner party. When it is just the two of us we have managed to see a movie (WALL-E), have a picnic in Central Park, go running along the river, R has been to a free outdoor yoga class and of course it is generally hot and sunny which we are getting quite used to.
So there you go. To be honest the first couple of weeks have gone by in a whirlwind of new experiences. In a way it is a continuation of the trip as we are trying to make our way in a new place and figure it all out, if it wasn't for the job hunt it would feel exactly the same. Right now we are waiting for things to normalize a little, job offers to come in, our waistlines to return to normal and the madness of the big city to recede a little so we can catch our breath. So that's it, blog over and now you all have to e-mail us to tell us exactly what is going on in your lives and we will do the same back. Of course firstly you should all be looking at your diaries to see when you can fit in your Manhattan holidays. We are now receiving guests; make your booking online at [email protected] or [email protected] , we will be happy to see you all.
Thanks to all our readers for following us through the good blogs and the bad, hope everyone had fun reading about our adventures and we have inspired you to make some plans of your own.
Love, The Pereiras on Tour
"Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going."
- Paul Theroux
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