Ok Uncle B, who is Aunty Ralph? And the Frank I know would not have written that message, so stop messing around the lot of you! : )
As for the Ali G crew, there's no p0rn on this site, sorry!
Ollie - nice to hear from you darlin', keep watching this space there'll be more photos soon....
Laterz y'all
Hiya Pen. I am cracking up reading these messages. The boys are really off their trolleys. They have lost it! Frank and modelling job! Duds and his suit! Absolutely bonkers. :o) LOL!
You look really well on the photos. I hope you are felling better now and make sure you enjoy your trip, you deserve it girl! Will be in touch again soon. xxx
Aunty Ralph
Hello Penny mou. Corrie update for today - Katie is in a coma cos she overdosed on sugar and coke. Ray Langton ordered himself a do it yourself coffin! Fred Elliott thinks he's found mineral water in Audrey's garden and Sunita and Shelley have fallen out again. Not a lot else to report, spoke to Andy tonight. Oh and got some bread and milk.
Da Luvva Krew
Booyakasha an gr33tz to da hot laydeez in da house n stuff. Me an ma homeboyz iz surfin da net fo da p0rn an da wurd in da chat roomz iz dat sum hot chick iz postin picz here, showin her shoulderz an everyfink. Wenz da show gonna be startin? Whoz da chick? Wez hopin dat itz da short one wiv da dark hair cuz she da bomb. Oh yeah, duz dat Duds dood really where cord suits? Datz whack, man! We outta here fo now but we be back. Chekkit!
Penny, I have taken up modelling since I have left Reuters and my first assignment is in Sydney. I will be there week commencing 18th April 2005 with Peter Andre. We must do lunch. I will bring my meat and two veg.
Uncle Bulgaria
We too have heard the stories about the huge expanse of blue (sometime brown) corduroy often seen in Chiswick. Rumour has it that the suits were tailor-fitted but if they were, they were tailored for someone other than the wearer. Tomsk found some parts of the original blue suit left on the road after the scooter crash so Wellington made tea towels out of it.
Underground, overground, wombling free ......
Well, not underground. We can't use Oyster cards for some reason.
Cool it guys! Duds is only helping the wife out. He will soon deliver....
Thought I'd gone deaf in my left ear since you've gone!! So you got any more pics and whats next on the agenda? Say hello to Marlene and send us a photo with a message board on it, you know what I mean. Keep enjoying yourself you MUPPET.
Oh and one other thing. Duds you're a fine one to talk about my backside, there's a funny beeping sound when you walk backwards in the office so don't give it mate because I know you can't take the come backs and you really don't want me to start on you, believe me! They had to fit extra wide glass doors on 5th GIR when we moved there from Vandy, 'coz they knew you were coming.
Diddy - can you sack him please? I don't have that jurisdiction anymore...
Tine - come over!!! What you waiting for luv??? And bring that brother and aunty ralph with you!
And Jackass - where's my eastenders updates ra?!
What I want to know is, who is Uncle Bulgaria???? Identify yourself sir or madam!
I'm killing myself here, you should have all been comedians I think. Aunty Ralph, your come back to Dudley was the best, I love it!!!! Has he worked out who you are yet?
Missing you all loads now! :'(
Penny x
Excellent pictures - looks like your having a great time. Hope you are recovering from the cold sniff sniff.
Anywhere look forward to hearing all the latest about your big adventure within your web blog.
Take care and hope to speak soon.