Hi pat and chris. It's the weekend so I thought I would sing on and see what you have been up to. Well bird watching it seems, little Robins pop up every where. Tony was taking some bird food that I had cut up on my breadboard and our cheeky little Robin tryed to fly on to the board befor he had time to through it on the grass. I saw my first snowdrop today and my Daffs are on the way, spring has just got to be round the corner. Keep having fun. Love Lesley
Pete Ash
hello pat -chris glad your having a good time im missing you lots -those one liners your always coming out with that crack me up. how much money you got left hope you got enough for my present lots love pete
Christiane And Darren
Hi Pat and Chris
Just wanted to let you know i had a scan on Monday and baby is doing fine its now 7.5 cm long, we got 4 really good scan photos it was so fantastic to see baby moving around.
Love Christiane and Darren x
Hi to you both Happy New Year. It's the 9th allready have gone back to work and time is wizzing by. how fantastic to see whales It is one of those pictures in your mind of a magnifisant animal
that one day you hope to see and you have done it. How was the white water rafting scary I bet. Love to you both Lesley XXX
Wishing you both a very Happy New Year & more exciting experiences still to come!! Your latest photos are stunning especially the ones of the glacier. Many of your pics look as though they are unreal, which is a silly thing to say as we know they are - but the colour is incredible and the views breathtaking. You are certainly making the most of being there. I especially loved the photo of you sitting on the rather strange toilets...... had a good laugh at the two blokes 'performing' by the side of you OR did you pay them to sit there like that!!? Anyway hope the next leg of your journey gives you both as much pleasure. Thanks for all our cards and pressies. Saw Mum & Dad today & they send you their love too. Take care. Love - Elaine XXX
Happy New Year Chris and Pat.
Love from Lorraine, Stuart, Arran and Cameron XXXX
Christiane And Darren
Hope you both had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and not forgetting a Happy Birthday Chris. The photos are great as always, nice bungee Pat!
Love Christiane and Darren x
Irene And David
Happy New Year to you Pat and Christine
Lang may yer lum reek
love and best wishes from
Irene and David
Linda, Dan, Vikki & Matt
Hi Chris & Pat,
Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday & Happy New Year!! Sorry its been a while. Just got back from a visit across the borders and looking forward to New Year party at friends. Been a busy time as always. Lovely to see you having such a wonderful time. Be in touch again soon, love from us all L, D, V & M. Mum & Dad send lots of love too. Lxxxx
Mum And Dad Mcgowan
Happy New Year
Eugene & Kids
Happy New Year........................ it is in NZ
Hello!! Happy Christmas and Happy Birthday Christine!! Keep forgetting you celebrate everything before us! Geart keeping up with your adventures. XXXX