We drove from the Coromondel Peninsula to Rotarua via the Waitomo Caves. These were billed as one of the top attractions in NZ and initially I was rather blasé about them - all the normal stalactite, stalagmite and column formations given names like "mother and child" "cathedral cave" and "church organ" but we finished the trip with a boat ride in the dark through the glow-worm cave which was stunning. The roof of the cave was covered by thousands of pupae (incorrectly called glow-worms) which give off light to convince flies and mosquitos that they are daylight. They have long "fishing lines" hanging down and as the mozzies fly towards the light they get caught in these lines and eaten That makes them good guys in my book! The effect was magical - a lacy 3D pattern of light which looked like a cross between the milky way and Christmas lights.
Rotarua was decidedly unmagical but equally impressive. There was a smell of sulphur hanging over the whole place which we noticed as soon as we arrived at our campsite - even as we were lounging in our thermally heated spa pool. The next day we visited a geo-thermal park to see the geysers and mud pools which look like something out of science fiction! The main geyser shoots hot water about 20 feet into the air and temperatures are about boiling level. We also enjoyed a Maori cultural experience and guess who was chosen to take part in a Haka session. Roger was wearing a Lions shirt so I guess he asked for it really! He went through all the moves singly with great gusto and a face of extreme concentration but as usual things started to come apart a little when he was required to put all the moves together! Not so much a warrior's challenge but more a pantomime dame!
Every campsite which we visit seems to have a resident camp cat, many of them black. Rog has decided that any black cat must be an All Black cat and has been giving them names. So far we have had a Richie, Dan and Israel and I am told that the next one will be Perry apparently. Oh well you know what they say about simple minds!
Whilst in Rotorua I had, in a moment of inspiration or madness, organised a sky dive the following day in Taupo, so when we arriveat the site later that night was half looking for a way to avoid the event but maintain my credibility. Too cloudy? No it was a perfect night with more stars than you usually see in the Eastbourne night sky. Perhaps I'd be too heavy?- there was an upper limit of 100kg.
Went to bed slightly nervous but slept soundly. The next day I managed to keep a calm exterior but was let down by an overactivebladder; by my fifth toilet trip Lindsay had an inkling that I was slightly nervous. To pass the time before my 1030 jump we went to see the Huka Falls Here the force and power of the water from the Waikato , as it roars through a narrow passage and bubbles and boils below us, was greater than anything I'd previously seen and certainly put my own toilet efforts into perspective.
Enough of the wonders of nature and back to the jump. Got weighed at the airport - only 92kg so no get out there. Joined by a group ofyoung Germans, briefed then into preparation area. My partner, a Swede named Patrik, helped me into a harness adjusted so tight I found myself walking like a cowboy and talking like Joe Pascale. Into the plane tightly packed then climb for about twenty minutes up to 15000feet. See others move to the door then disappear then Patrik manoeuvres me to the door. No time to think and we're out. Utter confusion for about three seconds with the world spinning madly, then a full minute's free-fall at a speed of 200k/h. feeling totally secure and enjoying the view and the experience, even able to shake hands with the photographer who jumped with us to film everything.
All too soon Patrik releases the chute, we feel a jerk into an upright position and fall more sedately. Beautiful view of Lake Taupo and surrounds then landing. After which Patrik said " Look we've got the blue chute, it was supposed to be yellow." The yellow one hadn't worked properly and he had to use the reserve. No sweat, that's what it's for, but apparently a rare occurrence so we became minor celebs at the centre.
- comments
Alex OMGeeeeeeeeeee - proper hardcore Dad! Cannot believe you're main chute failed Ah Gad! Glad you still having a super time x
Hilary Goodness! The Haka to sky diving in one fell swoop. What a mover! Sounds like you are having a fab time-and of course we are not jealous...... The photos of NZ have been wonderful. Hope the camper is cosy. Love Hilary
Catherine Oh my! The excitement is so real I am chewing my nails to pieces! Skyfall eat your heart out! It's Rogfall the sequel which sets the standard! Move over Daniel!!!! x