Elaine and family, I've been falling this marvelous adventure and so happy you joined them. Have a wonderful time and enjoy every minute. An experience of a lifetime.
My love to you all, Annie
Robin Kokodynski
Happy Birthday Celeste!!!!! Alexis is right behind you-where did the past 13 years go! Miss you-have your mom and dad give you hug from the Koko's!
Mom And Grandma - Elaine
I am so excited for all of you and, at the same time, missing you all so very much. Living and learning things vicariously through you all. It's ony been 2 1/2 wks and you've seen a world of sights already.
Pukenina is a person living in Portugal, who, according to google, has been adding photographs to a collection. No identification as to whom Pukenina is.
Betsy And Murph Xxoo
Got your wonderful phone call. Made me feel wonderful and made me cry. I am all good to go. Lots of love to you.
Aim, G-Force, Mama Celeste and Pimento - we wish you guys a fantastic journey over the miles and days. We're tracking your Blogs and showing Ani your progress on the map. Look forward to intersecting with you somewhere. - The LeFevre's
Juli Burton
So excited for you and your family and this AMAZING experience! Thank you for letting us ride along! Safe travels and many blessings! (Juli Burton, Kathy's friend)
Sarah Messer
I think that its really cool that you are doing this.
Sounds awesome! We are all following you at the bank! Even Rob Schneider. Way to go Nina and Celeste! Only 97 new tastes to add to the list! XX00
Liz Montalbano
I hope you don't mind, but I am totally going to follow your adventure too. I'm Liz Montalbano--and also worked with Kathy at Wildwood. What an amazing thing to do as a family and an awesome experience for your girls--more people should do this! So cool.
Holly Pick & Family
Keep the pictures and updates coming! We are wishing you all a happy & safe journey and can not wait to see more! (Give Nina a special hug from Sam!)
Mrs. Rankin's Class
Our fifth grade class at Clear Sky Elementary will be following your trip. We wish you happy travels and can't wait to learn about your adventures!