hi kylie and rachel just looking at all the things your up to on your website ,some nice photos of you both having a good time .take care both of you .
Hi Guys, looking at your pics from your amazing adventure while i should really be working, naughty me! Miss you lots at work kyliemeister but im glad your having a wicked time and looking forward to seeing other pics from the next places you go :)
Sian Hardy
Hey guys! seems like your both having a brilliant time! - Rach i come into work everyday and read your blog before i attempt anything else! Wish i was where you both are - seems like a great experience! Keep up the blogs - makes each day a better one for me! :) xx
Lyz Coulson
Hi Ky - what a cracking website - I see you've done loads already!....keep enjoying each day and look after each other.
Love Lyz & Mark
Danny Hartup
hey rachy, yea keeping up to date! im jelous the weather looks amazing... i want to come visit already! keep safe rach and ky. watch out for those ladyboys!!! love ya xx
Hey Rach. Looks like you're both having a fabulous time and the food lookes yummy! I love Thai food so I'll definitely be expecting a Thai themed Come Dine with Me on your return. You have no idea how much I'm missing you already and it's only been a week!! Seriously don't know how I'm going to manage not seeing you til September... you sure you don't fancy coming back :-) Xx
Kelly Hunter
Hi Kylie, Hope you're having a great time - your photos seem to suggest that you're both enjoying your trip! Good effort on the cookery class as well. Take care and I look forward to seeing more photos soon. Kelly xx
Maria Harrison
Hey Ky and Rach,
I have just been looking at your photos, wow, I am so jealous. I hope your both having a fantastic time. Missing you lots. Enjoy Chaing Mai.
Love Maria xxxx
Barry Thorn
hi rachael kyle market looked a bit rough !! but hope you are having a good time lv barry lyn xxxx
Jo Clark
Hi Rach & Kye,
Glad you got there safe and sound, your hotel looks like you are really roughing it. Hope you have a fantastic time, Matt says dont forget his curry lol.
Love ya Jo, Matt & Merlin xxx
Hi Kylie (and Rachael!)
I have bookmarked your webpage so I can keep up to date with all your travels!
Have a fantastic time, enjoy every minute of it and stay safe. I look forward to getting tips from your regarding Thailand
And remember - you can never take enough photos!!!
Lots of love, Sarah and Paul xxx (and Percy!)
Richard Drake
Hi Rachael,
Thanks for sending through your contact details whilst you are away on holiday and Doreen & I look forward to keeping up to date with your travels with Kylie on your blog. Take care of yourselves and enjoy the freedom. As I write I see poor Saints have let the enemy win 4-1. Perhaps their luck will change and Saints will keep climbing back to the Championship eventually?