Hey guys! You are making me very jealous with all of these amazing photos. You won't believe it but it snowed in Belfast a couple of days ago!! Freezing! It looks like you are having a ball and I cannot wait to hear all of your stories/adventures in July! A BIG happy birthday to Paul...hope Sabine and the boys spoil you rotten!
Lots of love, your Niece/Cousin Laura xx
Hi all,
Wanted to take this opportunity to wish Paul an amazing Happy Birthday!! I'm sure you will have him spoiled. Love to you all Gareth
Hi Folks! Really njoying catching up with you on your Blog. French Polynesia sounds amazing. I reckon I could slip nicely into the more relaxed lifestyle with ease. Disneyland is going to be such a culture shock but I'm sure the boys ... young and not so young.....will embrace it with open arms. Love and hugs to you all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY little brother!!! G x
Hi Sabine,Paul,Maxim and Callum,
Wonderful to read your news and look through the photos! Enjoying the easter break here not nearly as interesting as yours though. The worms send their love and a very happy birthday to Paul for today - enjoy!
Love from the WIlsons xoxoxoxoxo
Great to hear from you and glad to know that you like the blog.
Hi All, we are just back from Galapagos (worth a detour!!!) glad to see you are having a brilliant trip and we're loving the photos.......Sabine you are giving us a true flavour of the experience thank-you!. The boys look as if they are having a ball and Paul as healthy as ever. Love and best wishes to you all. Gareth et al.
Judy, Scarborough
Hi Saibne, Paul, Maxim & Callum. We think about you all the time. So great to look at your beautiful photos and see the amazing things you're out there doing! Your cactus plants are doing great!! With or without my expertise!!!
We miss you and will continue to check your blog. Such a great idea!!
Happy Easter everyone :)
Maryvonne, Perth
Chere Sabine, je decouvre avec emerveillement votre sejour magnifique en Nouvelle Zélande et rien qu'a voir ces paysages de montagnes, lacs, forets et tant d'espaces vert....je reve! Je vous suis pas a pas dans ce voyage exceptionnel qui restera grave dans votre memoire, j'en suis sure. C'est magique ce blog et nous fait 'vivre' votre experience...merci du fond du coeur de le partager avec nous. Bonne continuation et gros bizous a vous tous. Paul et les gamins semblent H-E-U-R-E-U-X! Profitez bien. A tres bientot ma belle.
Hi Sabine, Thanks for your stories and for sharing your photos with us. Stay safe and enjoy your around the world trip. Miss you, bisous, Yvonnexxx
Hi Desmonds :) Loving reading about your adventures, you are in one of our favourite parts of the world!! Keep travelling safe, and will keep up with the stories.
Hi Maxim i hope you are having fun at the moment. What have you been up to i'm sure it is fun!!! I've been good doing swimming basketball. Inter-school carnival tommorow