Firstly sorry for everyone who reads this, we are finally updating we've been busy or is that just a bit lazy!
Our time in the Yasawa Islands was probably the best part of the trip so far, we went to 3 islands Coconut, Sunset Waya and Kuata. Sunset was by far the best so we went back there for our last night and forfeited going to an island where we could have dived. We fell in love with it, the people were brilliant and the place was amazing. We spent our time snorkelling, reading in the hammocks and generally relaxing on Fiji time. The highlights of the week were small things like watching one of the local guys fix a coconut the old fashioned way, ripping it open with his teeth and breaking it with his hand pretty impressive, the entertainment at Sunset was the best fire dancing especially the little boy he was so cheeky and cute. The reason we wanted to go back to Sunset was to do the village trip as we had spoken to one of the guys who worked there about it and he'd told us some of history of their culture. It was a real eye opener because when you think of Fiji that's something that doesn't come to mind and it was interesting to see a completely different way of living but a happy one and so beautiful.
We were actually really sad when it was time to head back to the main land and wanted to stay another week but it was time to move on. I would completely recommend it, it's very basic, I ate fish everyday, washed with cold water, had a shower curtain as a toilet door and no electric at night (I slept holding onto my torch!) but I wouldn't change it for the world and loved every minute of it!
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