Hey Everyone!
Thank you everyone for your birthday messages- nice to know you havent forgotten me! he he!!
As some of you may or may not know I spent my 25th birthday on Fraser Island. Couldnt think of a better way to turn 25!!
So on 18th February I had to say goodbye to my foster family- Nikki, Brett, Luca and Zander who have been looking after me since November! I had a great time with them and they made this part of my trip very special. It was sad to say goodbye but that is the way it has to go and Im looking forward to staying in touch with them and thier big adventure!
Once I had arrived in Hervey Bsy it was all systems go to leave for Fraser at 6am the next morning. Straight away I met 2 lovely girls from England- Hannah and Jess which was good. We were then put into groups for our trip. I was with a whole group of English girls and one girl from Texas. Claire and Hannah, Emily and Flora, Hannah and Jess and Nikki our American gem. We all hit it off straight away and it made me look forward to my trip even more!!
So the next morning we had everything sorted and headed off to catch the barge to Fraser! Once we arrived we went cruising along the beached in our 4x4 and going over all the crazy sand tracks trying to avoid the dingos! Fraser Island has the most pure blood wild dingos in Australia.
First stop of the day was Lake McKenzie- OMG this place was pure paradise!Crystal clear waters, white sand and then sun was shining! As you can imagine we headed straight for the water! It was so clear you could see through it and even drink it it was s fresh! The sand was so pure and white people were polishing thier jewellery and teeth with it! We stuck to good old exfoliation! After rubbing the sand all over us- our skin was so soft it was crazy! None of us wanted to leave the ultimate paradise that was Lake McKenzie but we knew there would be more to come so next we headed off to see the Maheno.
The Maheno is a shipwreck on 75 mile beach that was once a luxery 5 star cruise liner which had been de-commisioned and was on its way to Japan. On route one of Queensland cyclones hit and washed it up to the shore on Fraser island and there it has sat for 75 years. It was amazing that this wreckage was once a luxery liner to see the skeleton of what was left. Still fascinating!
Later that day we all headed back to camp where the madness began! The evening began with a good old fashioned Aussie barbie! Followed by plenty of good old fashioned goon (sorry Greg!) The day had started off great with everyone in the hostel wishing me happy birthday and by the time the evening came the whole group was excited to celebrate with me! It was fab, everyone sang happy birthday to me round the camp fire which was awesome. Then followed the drinking games, a trip to the beach (but not a swim as it is shark infested and no-one wanted to loose a limb!) and so on, as you can imagine things got very messy and crazy but I loved every minute of it- even coming face to face with a pack of dingos at 4am in the dark on my own...ooopppsss! So much so I actually forgot to go to bed! So at 6am, our guide got up and I realised the time....and we left an hour later...
So with a massive 'Goonover' the fun of Fraser continued with 2 more days of the most amazing sights I have ever seen!
The next day we went and visited some wild turtles in the morning and had our own wild eagle feeding show on the beach! We also headed off to the champagne pools which were set back slightly from the beach but perfect little swimming holes to enjoy the sun and play in the waves without being a sharks lunch!
We also climbed up the headland to Indian head- whoch to be fair in 30 degree heat wasnt the greatest thing ever but the view was totally amazing when we got there! You could see miles out to see!
We made a little stop at a place called 'Eli Creek' which was this gorgeous river that ran from the forrest to the beach- again such pure fresh water we all just jumped staright in and waded and swam through the cool creek. Definatly one of the many highlights for me!
Our last day we spent 4 wheel driving through the island to many crazy places! We headed to Lake Wabby first which meant a nice 40 minute treck through the forest and over the sand dunes to Lake Wabby. The sand dunes we had to cross were the most perfect untouched dunes that went on a far as the eye could see, it was like being in a desert with the heat! It was worth it when we arrived at the lake. Green lake in a dip surrounded by trees and sand dunes.
After that we headed to another massive high light of the trip- Lake Birrabeen. Was kind of like Lake McKenzie but another world again. White sand, fresh water you can drink and the sun was shining. I cant put into worlds how lovely these places are for you but at the same time I cant keep saying amazing...BUT IT WAS AMAZING!
After that it was time to go one wanted to leave but all good things have to come to an end so off we went to get the barge home.
Once we all arrived back all of our group wanted to stay together and hung out in the bar. Before long, they had all persuaded me that I should join at Airlie Beach the next day. Before I knew it, the bus was booked and the packing began (again!) so later tonight Im am on the night bus with all the girls to the Whitsundays and I cant wait! Another tropical paradise here I come...
Ill write again soon...if I dont get lost on Daydream Island and forget that life exists...
Love you all xxx
- comments
Kayte Sounds like u having a fab time! Very jelous! Enjoy lovely xxxxxxxx
Daddy Hey wanderer, Well now you have reached twenty five it is downhill all the way! What are you going to do next year? you are going to have to go some to have another birthday celebration to rival this one. As I put on Facebook looks like you have found paradise and it was just up the road all the time! The pictures of the miles of white sandy beaches so remind me of Norfolk (not). Great pictures of the wreck, and you have confirmed my suspicions that was not he only wreck on the island on the 19th (and possibly the 20th....) Love you always Daddy xxxx
Monkey Wow - I thought the pics looked amazing but after you explaining it all just sounds fab! Glad you have met a good bunch of girls!! Hopefully we can skpye soon, and you can tell me all about it over the phone!! Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s Only three months until your home whoop whooop!!!!! xxx
Kate and Madam Sounds so amazing, what a great way to celebrate your birthday!! Blimey only 3 months until you are home, where has the time gone?! Big hugs and miss you lots xx
Your Fave Lil Sis Hey Wrenny, It's absolutely brilliant that you've had such an amazing time, we're all really happy for you! I'm going to show Mum your pictures on Facebook today or tomorrow, and I'll probably print some off for Nan too :) Thought you might like some news from home: It's not nearly as exciting for us over here, though it's half term now, so I get a lay in every day! As it's Nan's birthday today, me and David are going to get her some fish and chips from the chippy and Mum's bought her some flowers and wine and Dad gave her chocolates. Mum, David and I are going round there later to give her cards and stuff and spend the evening with her, so she should enjoy it :D On Thursday, me and Nan and David are going to Stortford shopping because Nanny is getting bored, then I'm going for a couple of sleepovers over the weekend and then back to school Monday. Oh, I got my report a week or so ago and it was all pretty good stuff, I'll see if I can get Dad to scan it and email it to you or something at the weekend :) GCSEs in June!!! :O How freaky is that? I've chosen my A Levels too, Biology, Chemistry, English and History and I'm staying at Freman, so that's that :D Erm... can't think of anything else exciting really, so that's all you're getting, I'm afraid! Missing you, have a great time!! xxxxxxxxxx