Yo ma and pa - long time no write but yet again i have been busssssssssssy. Had a fab week in Devon - the heat wave continues but the best news of all is our pool is up and running. It has been lovely coming home from work all hot and bothered and diving into the pool. George's swimming has improved in just a week from going in the pool every day. By the end of the summer he will be a little fish. His football also improves - he really did score 2 goals this week so real celebrations -t shirt over head the lot!!!! He is becoming engrossed in World Cup fever and supporting England much to Chris's annoyance. He also has 2 wobbly teeth. I was brave enough to accompany the school on their trip to the museum this week - all i can say is i definitely earnt my dive in the pool that day. A BIG thank you for all George's packages - he rushes in every day now checking to see if he's got one!!! Yesterday we were driving through the lanes on the way home from school and he said " i think it is my lucky day today and there will be a parcel from grandma and Grandad" and sure enough when we got in the kangaroo, book and boomerang had arrived - a very happy chappy although he was a bit frustrated that the boomerang did not return when he threw it!!! He asked me if you are ever coming home as you have been gone such a long time - !!!!! although i think he was just checking to see if the packages would continue!!!A little package is winging it's way to you for Father's day - have sent it c/o Al and Val as that is next on your itinerary. You will get it a bit late - but will try and work out the time zones to ring you on Sunday (18th). Not sure if it is father's day in OZ??? Any way better dash. Speak on Sunday Love and cuddles sallyxxx
Many thanks for your birthday card and for being so organised. Spent birthday over in Wales and was taken out to dinner to a fab place The Angel at Salem. If you ever make it over there get the kids to take you, you'd love it 1 Reason for being in Wales Zanna had to go to Edinburgh for a Golf exhibition and her boss offered to include Chris if I could dog sit. Hadnt the heart to say no. Am now back home trying to sort out my Aunts affairs and hoping to get my own house in order. Weather has taken a turn for the better although I think I blinked at the wrong time and missed Spring. Glad you are still enjoying life it is great keeping up with you. Take care XXXCarole
Mike Day
Many thanks for an excellent present received in this morning's post - commonwealth games programmes - very much appreciated and a lovely surprise. We continue to follow your progress with keen interest. My Dad had been following you around - he has just returned to the UK having spent 2 weeks in Perth visiting his brother followed by a 10 day trip to Tasmania and Melbourne. He really enjoyed Tasmania. I'm sure he would love to share expereinces with you when you return.
We are enjoying the warm weather having spent a wet and cold half term week in Ullapool in North West Scotland.
The England game, this afternnon was a bit disappointing after a bright start but at least we have a win under our belts and with Sweden and Trinidad and Tobago drawing this evening we have a strong chance of winning the group.
Lots of love - Mike,Sue,Tom, Matt, Josh and Ruth
Brays wedding is on the 15th July. You will be home soon after - how depressing (for you that is)!! Love Chopxx
Hello pumpkin & Jill!
Thought it was about time after 93 days into your trip to utter a peep! Well, what can I say. It's fantastic the way you share your big adventure with all your family and friends in such a tangible way and we always know where you are....well almost...? Next time, pack me into your suitcase, will you? Since you've been gone, life has improved by quite a bit (nothing personal, of course!). At the beginning of March, I met a very lovely man and both of us are very much in love and inseparable (after 3 months it can almost be classified as a long-term relationship, what you reckon?). He's pretty much a free spirited, thinker and his name is Michael. So, as you can imagine, I'm very happy and enjoying the blossoming relationship. Other than that, my parents and sister from Germany have been and gone and I'm now in the middle of essays and assessments for college, which is a bit of a bummer, since finally our weather turned from winter straight into summer and it is beautiful. So, vaya con dios and I look forward to more instalments of your fabulous journey. Much love, Anja xxx
Richard & Jill
Trent & Lisa, sorry that we passed through on the wrong day...our fault mainly but your advice to cut down the miles and miss the rock means we did just that! that leaves another visit to make and a jjourney from Melbourne to Perth via Kalgoorlie, Esperance and Wave Rock! really upset to miss the oysters and you once more! Will talk again before we leave! Chop, glad you all had a good time in Bristol. When is Chris Bray's wedding? FG & Jax watch out for the sun! funny isn't it, we're both getting sunburn at the same time but you're the other side of the world! Sorry Jax ANOTHER package for FG on its way, left half an hour ago! Chris, YES food and drink are important and, at times, an obsession, sorry! love to you all, R&J xx
Greetings from Londinium! Back in the orafice on a sunny summers day! Weekend was hectic with two events in London, but weather was fantastic. Had a great time in Bristol and caught up with all the boys, the weather was great,showed my crew around my home town and they loved it. Got them all hammered on exhibition cider - big mess!! As discussed Jacqs also made an appearance which was lovely and the boys all loved her. Four more events to go and then I might spend some time at home and with Tinsel!! I am going as a "guest of the band" to a Guns 'N' Roses gig on Wednesday with Dan - Rock on!! Looking well both of you! Lots of love Chopxx
Jax & Fg
hello grandma + grandad i got back from cornwall yesterday and i went body boarding a couple of times and did a lot of other stuff. Thankyou for my t-shirt and earings and that little fairy. Miss you lots cant wait to see you in seven weeks lots of love FG xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Mum Hi Dad, as you can see got my baby back. Saw Uncle Teve on Wed eve met all the boys he works with! Mad as hatters but very nice. Saw Chirs Bray he is most disappointed that you will not be back in time for the wedding! had a glorious wekend very hot got a bit burnt yesterday! Summers here at last! Well for a couple of days! Got very excited when last parcel came in the week thought it was for me for a change!!!!! WRONG!!!!! Hollie loves getting them. Must go Celebrity X Factor on rubbish but good! Speak soon. Still missing you both. love from your bunnies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I dont know! Anybody reading this might think that you have an obsession with food and drink. . We appear to have another day of sunshine, although there was a frost warning in the weather report last night and the wind is cold. However Richard is wearing shorts!! Travel safely. Chris.xx
Lisa & Trent
Hi R & J
I hope your travelling safely. It was so great catching up with you guys and seeing you in our home town.
By now I am presuming that you would have seen wave rock? I hope that it was a little more interesting than i made out.
If not I am sure the beautiful wine and food of Margaret River will more than make up for it!
I am looking forward to hearing your reports on the area and any good wines you may have sampled.
Hopefully you will be stopping by again on the way back up and we can take you to the best Oyster Bar in Perth.
Happy Travelling Lots of Love Lisa & Trent
Richard & Jill
SSB - Pinocchio's is fine by us, need to agree a date and time, will check with our hostess in Malvern and get back to you. Colin thanks for your message, have a great time in Portugal, Chop, hope the work's still going OK. City's are fine, Jax, but they're also noisy and full of people! On the road again and dodging the raindrops! Love to you all, R&J xx
Welcome back to Oz!! Have just been watching 'Jamie' cooking with Lemoncello.....and us 'young ones' are all craving 'Pinnochio's' so I guess we will all be heading back there when you get to Melb! Jemima sends sloppy kisses. She is now crawling at full spead and standing as she pulls herself up on furniture. Keeping me on my toes......love to you both from all of us x x x