Hi Allison and Rich. Just a quick note to say we are off to Cyprus for 10 days on Thursday so I will write when we get back.
Meanwhile will send you a new photo of Giorgos
Rich And Alli
Missing the corporate lunches like you wouldn´t believe. We have barely had a good meal in South America! At least our beer guts are disappearing, but could use a good Matsuri! We are in Rio and have found a KFC, seen our first Chinese for two months, a Japanese place and are off for a Domino´s in a minute. Amazing how much you miss fast food. We´ve never craved a MacDonalds before in our life until South America!
Great news about Heena. Has she named her yet?
Yes Marco, we do have tans, although there´s a large element of dirt mixed in there. Trying to top up the tans on Copacabana beach. The beach bodies unfortunately are not what we expected though. Lots of g-strings but too much butt around them! Could definitely use a good cup of tea though. As well as some Yorkshire fish and chips.
Anyway, for those of you who are still reading the website, we´re having a week off. It´s hard work keeping it all up-to-date.
Thanks for all the messages though. We enjoy reading them all, and like to hear all the news from everyone (except about how bad West Ham and Leeds are doing).
Rich and Alli
Hi Richard and Allison,
I'm sure you're both having a really wonderful time. The pictures are great.
Heena's had a baby girl...
You are missed.
Take care.
I hear you are missing the corporate lunches. I will send a doggie bag over with Nick
Could it be my little Brit friends actually have a tan? You're not pink???? Glad you two are enjoying it. We still have a lot of PG Tips for you should you wish to revisit Toronto.
Looks absolutely amazing...I want to go travelling too! I'm so jealous, no work for a year - great!
I'm not mentioning anything about Leeds being 2nd from bottom in the league (worst league position since 1985) becuase Liverpool aren't doing much better!
Carol xxxxx
Laura & Nick
Missing you loads but looks like you're having a fab time. Wish we were there with you. Bring on the full slide show.
Leeds and W Ham had a shocker this weekend not to worry Rich there is one claret and blue team flying the flag!!
Have fun
Got your message via your brother. Keep the bulletin board going reading it with interest. Glad to hear u r having a great time. Make the most of it cos you'll soon be back here in the pissing rain. Wife & kids say hello. Take it easy luv Big Nose
Aunty Chris & Uncle Charles
Hi Alli & Rich just been looking through your entries at cuz Dawns its the first time we've looked and we're happy to see you enjoying your travels, you lucky b*****s!!!! Dawns done some print outs so we can read everything at our leisure photos are wonderful and next time we're at Dawns we'll catch up and write again. Love to you both xxxxxxx
Just in case you've not been getting the transfer deadline news...Leeds pulled off a coup by signing the mighty Jonathan Douglas from Blackburn.......................oh and the Hammers have signed a couple of little known Argentinians called Tevez & Maschereno!!!!!!!
Rich & Allison
Thanks for all the messages. Sorry we haven't had time to respond to them all, but we do enjoy reading them all.
By the way who is this Bobby Davro, and Bobby from Boston, how did you find us?! Don't contact us again you culinary freak!
Keep up the good work.
R & A
Steve Adam
Awesome photos - very impressive!!! Looks like you're having a great time. Make sure you keep the pics and journal entries coming...good luck as you head on South. Take care, Steve