It may have waited until 9:13 but the sun rose this morning to a clear blue sky, just minutes before we crossed the border out of Norway into Sweden. Our first sunny day of the trip so far. We all put sun glasses on. Even the temperature is improving as we started at 0 degrees with a promise of 5 degrees, that's +5, today.
To change things around we took a bus from Oslo to Gotenborg (Gothenburg) for a one night stop on the way to Copenhagen. This morning Norway, today Sweden, tomorrow Denmark…..thats the way we roll.
What was noticeable was that roughly as we came across the border, the snow disappeared. We were driving for nearly 2 hours through Sweden in January and no snow, none at all. Certainly not what I would have expected. Ask Donald, this global warming thing is a hoax.
So what are the three big brands out of Sweden? ABBA, IKEA and Volvo. Stay tuned for the first two, but today we were in the home of the Volvo so it was time for the Volvo Museum. After working out the local Tram/Bus machinations we spent a couple of hours wandering around the Museum quoting the movie Crazy People…..'They're boxy but they're good'.
By far our warmest day so far, we never went negative and got up to positive 6. There are layers of clothing being stuffed into bags as quickly as we can. Not sure how long it will last but a sunny day has made a big difference. I took a photo at midday to show how high in the sky the sun climbs. Its in the photo album.
At last we are in a town where everything is open, except of course the place we planned for dinner. Instead we just chose somewhere at random and it was great. Gothenburg was never on the original plan but we decided to overnight here to break up a long travel day. Glad we did.
Train to Denmark in the morning
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